Saturday, January 24, 2009

Quick update

Last night he used the washroom at a restaurant. And, so far today he's refused to wear a diaper or a pull-up...even for his nap. Maybe that means he's going to accept our offer!


Today the little guy proved to be a "mostly" good listener at gymnastics class, thus earning him a sticker at the end of class. There were a few incidents (including one where he escaped out of the gym sprinted down the hallway). But every time he misbehaved we made him sit on the sidelines until he composed himself and was ready to start listening and cooperating.

He was definitely a lot more relaxed and independent today than he was for the first two classes. Now that he's comfortable with the teacher and the other kids, hubby and I are able to mostly just sit back and observe. And because he wasn't running all over the place like a wild man, he learned some cool new things -- like how to do a handstand against a wall and walk like a crab. On the bar, the teacher got them doing flippy-doos. At each dismount he laughed and yelled, "That was getting really amazing!" These were all good confidence boosters.

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