Sunday, January 28, 2007

Our new little fish

Our salt water aquarium has been "fishless" for long enough! This weekend, we went to the pet store and chose out a nice sixline wrasse.

Little guy loves to watch him swimming around the tank. He points up at him and yells "fish!" I just hope this one lives longer than the last one. There are so many preditors living in the live rock (pistol shrimp, creepy worm creatures that come out at night etc...), only the tough ones have any chance of survival.

He doesn't have a name yet, so send in your suggestions!

Friday, January 26, 2007

It finally caught us

For the last two weeks we've been trying to dodge the stomach flu that's been going around our caregiver's home. But despite our best efforts, the virus found us in the end. Last night I suffered with nausea and severe stomach cramps for three or four hours. Just as I was starting to feel better, the little guy barfed all over his bed. Poor duck! Like me, his symptoms disappeared very quickly. We were very lucky -- some of the others who were infected we horribly sick for days.

We are still contagious, so stay away!!!

PS - JL, if you are reading this, my record still stands. I didn't actually puke! I'm still on track to break my 15-year no-puke record. I have 14 years and 2 months to go.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lots of updates

Finally, I have a moment to sit down and write. Here is the latest on the little guy:

- He's going through a couple of phases that we hope will soon pass. In particular, the "putting his finger up his nose" phase, and the "throwing everything in sight into the toilet" phase. For those of you who haven't heard the story yet - he threw our friend's cell phone into the toilet, as well as a tupperware container full of cream cheese icing. He's also very fond of throwing toys in the toilet and splashing his hands around in toilet water. Luckily he hasn't yet hit the "flushing the toilet" stage....

- He's now points at objects and names them. Car! Light! Cat! Dog! Box!

- Barnyard Dance is still his favourite book, but his reading list has diversified slightly. Thank God!!!!

- I think he must take after me -- he loves shoe shopping! He is now the very proud owner of some swanky new shoes and boots. Clomp, Clomp, Clomp!!!

- We had a great visit with Amma a couple of weeks ago. While she was here, it was go, go, go to the splash pool, art gallery, hiking trail, restaurants etc...Amma was very impressed with his fork handling skills. While eating at a restaurant he reached across the table, stabbed a piece of lettuce off of Amma's plate, and gobbled it down :-)

That's it for now!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Part 5: at the table

We have about a million table shots of baby boy (thank goodness for digital cameras!). He acts like such a goof at the table that we just can't help ourselves! Here are just a few of the recent ones. As you can see, he loves drinking out of an espresso cup and trying to eat with chopsticks.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Part 4: 'twas the day before x-mas

It was a green Christmas this year. On Christmas eve day, we went for a nice drive in the country and stopped in a quaint little town for a walk in the beautiful sunshine. Here are my favourite pictures from our adventure that day.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Part 3: little monkey

Is it just me, or does baby boy look just like Curious George from behind? There is a picture of Curious George in the sleeve of Jack Johnson's Curious George CD that looks just like this picture. (By the way, the Jack Johnson CD is awesome!)

Some day he's going to kill me for posting this photo on the internet, but it's just so hilarious that I had no choice! He looks like one of those bobble head thing-a-ma-jiggies!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Part 2: Photo series

Baby boy is somewhat of a ham when you point a camera in his direction. In this series of photos, he tries out some different poses. Canada's next top baby model? Work it, work it!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Photo launch

It seems like forever since I posted any pictures. So today I will post the first of a five-part series of photos featuring the little guy.

I'll start with some pictures from his birthday. That day, his playgroup threw him a party with cupcakes and everything!

I took this picture the morning of his birthday, just before heading out to the party. He was still doing some crawling back then. Within a week or two of this photo he gave up crawling completely in favour of walking.

Here he is at playgroup, shaking things up!

In honour of his birthday, one of the parent's from the playgroup baked cupcakes. Having never eaten a cupcake before, he wasn't too sure what to do with it. He kept picking it up, studying it, and throwing it back in his snack bowl. Finally, I persuaded him to take a bite. He really didn't like it!

Friday, January 05, 2007

My interview with a 1-year old

Q: Would you like to go downstairs for breakfast?
A: Yes!

Q: Are you hungry for lunch?
A: Yes!

Q: Would you like some snack?
A: Yes! Nack!

Q: Is it time for dinner?
A: Yes!

Q: Are you all done?
A: awwww done! awww done! AWW DONE!!!!!

Q: Did you do a pee pee?
A: Dadadadada (pause) hsssss...
Q: Is that a yes or a no?
A: Hahaha!

Q: Is it time to get dressed?
A: ocks (translation: socks)

Q: Can we put on your mitts and hat?
A: Itts! Attt!

Q: Where are your teeth?
A: (points to his teeth)

Q: Is it time for your bath?
A: Ba ba ba ba ba!

Q: Do you have anything else you would like to add?
A: Yes! Eight! Ice! Hot! Mom! Juice! Bye!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

In search of the perfect gift

I gave the little guy a plastic broom and dust pan for Christmas. He was thrilled! Now he has the equipment he so desperately needed to clean the floors. Next, I'm going to get him a toy vacuum (better yet, I'll teach him how to use the REAl vacuum!). They are gifts that only a small child would appreciate. My brother tried giving my mom a vacuum for Christmas a few years ago. He never heard the end of it, she was so insulted. It was almost as bad as the time I gave her a non-stick frying pan. I'm still in the dog house for that 20 years later. These types of gifts make her feel like a household slave. Never mind that she really needed a new vacuum and frying pan (we were just trying to be helpful!). Does the fact that she gave my hubby a swiffer mop for x-mas a few years ago make up for it?

In November, my 4-year old nephew gave my brother a very thoughtful birthday gift -- a couple of used batteries he found lying around the house, and some printer paper that my brother had brought home from work. He beamed with pride as he watched his dad (my brother) open up that gift. Later on, he said, "Dad, can I borrow some of your paper?" It truly was the perfect gift, topped only by a gift my brother gave my mom when he was a young child -- an old toothbrush he stumbled upon in the medicine cabinet. He wrapped up that toothbrush and carefully hid it in one of my dad's smelly old running shoes. It was the toothbrush that my mom used to scrub the toilets with.... What more could a mother want?

If only finding the perfect gift was as easy as it was when you were 4. There would be no need to fight the crowds in search of the perfect thing. You wouldn't have to, because that old shaving cream can that you dug out of the garbage can has "dad" written all over it. And that red, metal coathanger that you bent in half and hid in the toilet tank is just what mom needs.

I tell you, those preschoolers could really teach us a thing or two about the makings of a perfect gift!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's resolutions

Why make them. I will only break them.

Every year I say I'm going to lose weight, exercise more, and eat healthier. That lasts for about a week or two and then I fall back into my old bad habits. Have you ever gone to the gym at the beginning of January? It's full of people just like me. People who go out strong and then hit the wall. Have you ever gone to the gym at the beginning of February? Empty. Except for the die hards (don't you just hate them....).

Resolution don't work for me because there are no consequences for failing. I know that if I don't succeed this year, I can try again next year. There also aren't any fantastic payoffs for succeeding. Sure, I would look and feel better, and have an amazing sense of accomplishment yadda, yadda, yadda. But that, in itself, doesn't motivate me. I need to win a big prize -- like a puppy dog or a trip to France.

Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way....

Maybe I need to resolve to go to France and adopt a puppy. It makes perfect sense now! French people aren't fat, yet they consume a lot of cheese and wine. I could learn a thing or two about weight management from the French. And, getting a dog would force me to exercise more, because I'd have to take it for lots of walks. So....the side effects of these big ticket resolutions would be weight loss, a balanced diet rich in cheese and wine, and more exercise -- what great motivation! Plus I'd get to go to France and get a puppy!

Happy New Year everyone!