Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pukey times

While I was away in Montreal for a fun girl's weekend, hubby was at home having no fun at all. On Saturday afternoon the little guy starting throwing up. I won't give you the gory details other than it was nasty. Just plain nasty.

Less than 24 hours later the vomiting stopped and the diarrhea set in. Again, I'll spare you the details. I stayed home with him yesterday just to make sure he was germ free. Other than having to run to the toilet a couple of times he was perfectly fine all day. He was laughing, playing, running and jumping. The only thing he wasn't doing was eating. He kind of picked at his food throughout the day. Having recovered from the same illness a few weeks ago, I could totally relate to the lack of appetite.

This morning he was sick again! No vomiting, but still had the runs. Really, really badly. And he was lethargic for most of the day. Not unhappy, just sluggish. Hubby said he didn't perk up until after 2:30 this afternoon. He's still not eating much, but he is definitely showing an interest in food.

I really hope this is the end. Poor guy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hate is a strong word

There is a 6-year old at the park who enjoys bantering back and forth with the little guy. He showed her a craft he made at school out of toilet paper rolls. When he showed it to me, he said it was a roller coaster. However, to show off to the little girl, he told her it was a gun. She was less than impressed.

"I don't like guns because I hate violence," she said.

"Hate isn't a good word," the little guy replied.

"But violence is terrible so I hate violence," the girl stated emphatically.

"Well, I like violence because hate isn't a good word!"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My little troublemaker

The little guy peed in a juice container and then left it sitting on the bathroom floor. Right in front of the toilet. He told me that he did it because he was mad at me.

What's up with that?


The little guy is learning all sorts of wonderful things in Junior Kindergarten. But, at the same time, he's learning a few not so wonderful things. Like bathroom humour, for example. Have you ever heard a group of 4-year olds joking around on the playground? They love nothing more that to use words like pooh-pooh, bum, stinky, toilet etc...

Curbing the toilet talk is next to impossible. It's like telling a teen-ager that they are forbidden to smoke. If you forbid something it makes it all the more appealing.

So, I've taken a new approach that seems to be working (although I must admit that I sometimes just turn a deaf ear to let him get it out of his system).

Here is what I find works the best:
- I give him a warning (sometimes two). Then, if I catch him using rude words again, we have to leave right the park/play date/activity right away. I made him leave the park one day for some repeated language offenses so he now knows I mean business. Usually a warning is all that is needed now.
- A dollar a day takes the potty mouth away. Each day he has the opportunity to earn $1 towards a toy purchase. If he uses bad words, he doesn't get a dollar. This week he did really well and racked up $5. We then went to the toy store and let him pick out a small toy. He is now working towards a bigger toy.

If you have any other tips, I'd love to hear them!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh the funny things he says

Some recent questions he's asked me:

- "Mom, does nature look like a church?"

- At the dinner table on Easter Sunday in earshot of my friend's parents, "Mom, what toilet did Grandma throw up in?"

- "Do babies come out of a hole in your tummy?"

Some recent conversations we've had:

The little guy asked us what we call a sheep after its hair got all cut off.

"You mean after it gets sheared?" Daddy asked.

"No, after its hair got cut," he insisted.

"That's called shearing."

"No it's not," the little guy insisted. "It's called getting its hair cut."

"Okay," Daddy replied. "So what is a sheep called after its hair gets cut?"

"A goat."


In the car yesterday, hubby and I started talking about the volcano that erupted in Iceland. The little guy chirped in from the back seat, "Do you know what an eruption is?"

"Yes, do you?" I replied.

"An eruption is when a volcano explodes."

"That's right," I answered, impressed that he knew the definition.

"When a volcano erupts the llama comes running out."

"You mean lava?"

"No, Llama"

Nothing we could say could persuade him that the proper word was lava.


I like to play Family Feud on Facebook. The little guy loves to help me.

"Are you playing the Family Few?" he always asks. (Heehee)

His favourite way to help is to type in the word "cat" during each round.

"Mom," he says. "Can I type the word cat all by myself?"

If only it ever came up as the right answer!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Did you miss me?

Sorry peeps! I have been incredibly lazy about updating my blog lately. It must be the nice weather keeping me away from my computer.

So what's new? Well, for one, I have a new niece. Annika Lee was born on April 14. Can't wait to meet her!

In other news, I'm training for a 10 km race as well as a "mini" triathalon. A really mini triathalon that is composed of a 100 metre swim, 10.5 km bike and a 2 km run. The run and the bike should be fairly easy. It's the two laps in the pool that worry me to no end! I swim like a rock. No seriously. A rock. But I figure that, as bad of a swimmer as I am, I can muster the strength to flail myself across the pool for 100 metres.

When my mom came to visit for the Easter long weekend, Hubby and I went running together a couple of times. He made me do a 13 km run. I accused him of trying to kill me! My longest run of the season before that was 5 km so I was feeling a little out of shape. But hey, at least I know I won't have any trouble completing the 10 km race at the end of May. I'm really hoping that all of this working out will help me get back to my goal weight. I could really stand to lose 10 or 15 lbs.

My training was rudely interrupted by a nasty stomach flu. I have my mother to thank for sharing that one with me during her visit! She got sick right before Easter dinner. That night I became ill as well. For a whole week I felt like crap and could barely eat. My mom was so sick she had to delay her trip home by a couple of days. Hubby and the little guy managed to escape catching that bout of nastiness. Lucky!!! Anyways, I'm finally back to my old self, except that I now have a cold. Oh well. I'm still going to get out running, biking and swimming this weekend. The clock is ticking! I can't waste any time getting ready for my race events.

Before I sign off for the night, here are a couple of little anecdotes about the little guy.

- This morning he came downstairs wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I told him it was too cold to be wearing shorts (it was only +1 this morning!). When I told him he'd have to wear long pants he got really upset and said, "But that's a terrible thing to say!" That's one of his favourite lines these days when he doesn't get his way.

- I'm not sure how we got on to the subject of Jesus, but somehow his name came up the other day. Hubby and I are not religious people and have not done much in the way of supplying the little guy with a good Christian education. Which is why we gasped when he turned to me and said, "Mom, Jesus was a man. He was a MAN and he DIED! He really DIED! But a few days later he came back to life....he REALLY did!" Hubby and I just about fell over. How did he know all of that? It took us a minute to realize that they had been talking about Easter at school.

That story kind of reminded me of the time he came home and told us he had learned about Eid in class. I asked if there were any students in his class were Muslim and celebrated Eid, to which he responded "I am, and I celebrate Eid."

I love that his teacher talks to the class a lot about different cultures and celebrations.