Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween & Catching up

Boy have a been lazy about updating my blog lately. Blame it on Facebook (I now have a cafe, 2 farms and an aquarium to look after every day). That and life has generally been busy between renovations, birthday parties (3 in the last 3 weeks), my volunteer work etc....

So to catch you up on the wild and crazy adventures of the little guy, I'll start with Halloween. Costumes are very much on our minds lately because he has been to not one, but two costume birthday parties in October. He's had to settle for wearing last year's little dragon costume (which is pretty darned cute!) instead of this year's costume, which we still haven't made. Unlike the other kids who will be wearing off the rack super hero, pirate, and firefighter costumes, the little guy has decided he wants to be a blue heron.

Yep. A blue heron. Nothing else will do. He's told us a million times.


Speaking of Blue Herons, the little guy brought the Birds of North America field guide to show and tell. He made a special point of showing his classmates pictures of his favourite birds, most notably the blue herons, ocean seagulls and mergansers.


We think that he may have had H1N1 last week. He had all of the symptoms (sudden onset of fever and cough, chills, muscle aches, runny nose) and was away from school for the majority of the week. Several other kids in his class were off too with exactly the same illness. Luckily he had a very mild case. It sucks that I can't verify if it was in fact H1N1. Now that the vaccine is available it would be nice to know if he actually needed it or not.

I'm very thankful that neither Hubby or I caught it. It's a miracle actually, considering the number of times we were coughed on or had to wipe a wet, drippy nose. The little guy even fell asleep on our bed and drooled all over my pillow!!!! Yuck. No amount of hand sanitizer or disinfectant could have warded off all of those germs. We must have built up some sort of immunity. All the same, I think I may get the vaccination in a few weeks once the line-ups die down.

That's it for now. I've got lots more to tell but it will have to wait for another day.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Life's little details are killing me

For those of you who know me, I am not a "detail" person. I'll remind you that I once forgot to order chairs for an event I was planning (oops!). I've never lived that one down.

Junior Kindergarten is all about remembering details. Just this week I had to:
- Order name labels
- Label all of his stuff
- Make snacks every morning
- Prepare for picture day
- Buy new "backup" clothes to account for all of the stuff that goes missing
- Track down three missing items
- Pack extra rain gear
- Pack and unpack the backpack countless times
- Send back the scholastic order
- Make pancakes for the family breakfast
- Send three notes to his teacher
- Sign several forms and return them to the school
- Go to the school program night
- Make sure he returned his library book (which I'll have to remember every single Friday)
- Read several memos from the school
- Coordinate field trip volunteer days
- Transfer important dates into calendar (i.e. show and tell schedule)

I'm sure that I've missed several others. Did I mention that it's killing me?