Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The babysitter solution

It is so hard to find a babysitter these days. My caregiver's daughters are so busy with activities that I literally have to book them weeks in advanced. The other day I called one of her daughter's friends and was told "I only have time on Monday nights and sometimes on Friday. That's it."

Well.... soccer starts next Monday night, so that's out. I guess I'll have to try to book Friday's a week or two in advance.

On occasion I'll ask my friends to watch the little guy for a couple of hours, but I don't like to impose upon them too often.

It turns out that we are not alone in our struggles to find a babysitter. A group of us were chatting about this at the park today. Someone suggested that we form a babysitting circle with other parents in the neighbourhood and take turns looking after one another's children. I think this is a great idea. The kids would have a fantastic time hanging out together while the parents got a much needed break. And the best part of all is that it doesn't cost a cent.

The fact that I know all the parents that would be a art of this circle is also very reassuring. I would never have to worry about the care the little guy was receiving.

I think we'll give it a try and see how it goes.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Great news! The little guy used the potty at daycare today while the other kids cheered him on. He was pretty impressed with himself. I rewarded him with gummy bears when we got home.

Anyone want to place a bet on whether or not he'll use the potty again tomorrow???? It could go either way.

Monday, April 27, 2009

He's not pee shy!

It was such a beautiful day today that I decided that we should have a picnic at the park. I hopped over to the store at lunch and picked up some veggies and dip, avocado rolls, fruit salad and drinks so we could head straight to the park from daycare. In all of our haste to start our picnic, it never occurred to me to stop and let the little guy use the bathroom first.

You see where this story is leading.....Not long after downing a whole bottle of juice the little guy had to go really badly. Normally he would come and tell me so that I could get him a diaper. But not this time. No, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He stripped off his shorts and underwear and then proceeded to pee right next to a tree. I'm pretty sure that he was trying to be discreet but instead of going behind the tree to pee, he stood in front of the tree before a crowd of onlookers. We all clapped and cheered (and laughed ourselves silly). Afterwards, the little guy was so pleased with himself that brought some of his friends over to look at the puddle he made. I heard him give them a play by play about how his pee went right into the mud.

It was so funny I just about peed myself :-)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A little bit of this and that

I have a whole bunch of little things to write about today.

1. Toilet training. I have tried every single suggestion in every single potty training book, with the exception of getting rid of all of the diapers. Should I do it???? Or do you think it will backfire? He's been doing great lately at home. Still refuses to poop on the toilet but will now sit on the toilet with his diaper on to "practice". And, still no progress at daycare. I'm so frustrated I could spit!

2. Coming out of his shell. Everyone at the park is amazed at how much the little guy has changed since the fall. He's now super outgoing and talkative. Instead of playing shy for 10 to 15 minutes when we arrive at the park, he goes over to kids (even the ones he doesn't knows) and starts playing with them and chatting away. It's great to see him overcoming his shyness.

3. Table talk. I remember a time not so long ago when our table and floor were a disaster zone after every meal. And the laundry that meals generated was astounding! Now, the little guy is neat and tidy as can be, barely ever dripping or spilling anything. You can tell that he actually takes pride in keeping his place mat clean and tidy.

Speaking of meals, he's also turned over a new leaf and is much more open minded when it comes to trying new things. Up until a few weeks ago he would never even touch something with sauce. Now he's asking for macaroni with cheese sauce. Just this week he tried sausages for the first time and loved them (getting him to eat meat has always been a big struggle). And, he's starting to "dip" his food, something he's never done before. I'm hoping to introduce him to hummus and other dips this week.

4. Shamed. Earlier this week, the father of one of his friends yelled at him. For some unknown reason, he pushed his friend off of a climber at the park (which totally isn't like him at all). It wasn't a far fall and his friend wasn't hurt (or even phased for that matter) but her father got really upset and scolded him in a deep, booming voice. When we asked the little guy to apologize to the little girl, he was absolutely silent. He just hung his head, looking sad and terrified all at once. I actually felt kind of sorry for him, knowing that he is usually such a peaceful little guy. For more than half an hour he wouldn't look at anybody. He just hung his head in shame. I think he really felt truly sorry about what he had done.

5. Hide and seek. This is his new favourite game, even if he's lousy at it. The little guy usually says, "Mom, you count to ten and I'm going to hide behind that tree." And he never gives me enough time to find him. The second I've finished counting to 10 he jumps out of his hiding spot to "scare" me.

This morning he hid under the blankets on the bed with his legs sticking out. I guess he figures that if he can't see me that I can't see him either. Kids are so funny!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The little guy desperately wants to learn how to operate a pair of chopsticks. Anytime we eat Asian food he insists on having his own pair. He patiently tries and tries until hunger gets the better of him. It must be so frustrating for him to have to throw down his chopsticks in defeat. But I have to say, all of that practice is starting to pay off. Tonight he successfully pinched a few noodles out of his pho bowl and slurped them down. It was a very proud moment!

On a related note, the restaurant gave us funky, bright orange chopsticks. The little guy picked them up and examined them for a second and then said, "Why did they give us orange chopsticks? Did they run out of white ones?"

Maybe the orange ones work better?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Picking up bad habits

The little guy is fully capable of pronouncing all of his words properly -- or at least when feels like it. Lately, he's been imitating one of his friends, who has difficulties pronouncing certain words. Here are a few examples:

Instead of saying "water" she says "wy-er". Spider is "Spy-er".

Lately, the little guy is imitating her all the time and it's driving me crazy. Especially since he makes an effort to over pronounce these words incorrectly.

The other day he said, "Mom, the dolphin is diving in the wyyyyy---errrr." I asked him what wy-er was? When he repeated it over and over again I finally said, "Oh, you mean water."

Whenever he asks for a glass of "wyy-er" I tell him I don't understand what he wants. I make him ask me over and over again, until he says water properly.

Of course, he's now figured out that he can get me all worked up and frustrated by his mispronunciations. So what used to be a bad habit is now just a game to push mommy's buttons.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Art is so subjective

Yesterday, the little guy found a scrap of paper on which I had hastily written directions to a friend's house. He asked me if we could hang it on the wall.

I said, "We don't hang directions to people's houses on the wall. Art goes on the wall. If you drew a picture we could hang that on the wall."

The little guy skipped off into the other room to find his markers. A few minutes later he returned with the same scrap of paper. He had scribbled a small picture at the bottom of the paper, right below the directions.

"Here mom," he said. "I'll go get the tape so we can hang it on the wall."


Saturday, April 18, 2009

What a sneak!

This morning the little guy got up at the crack of dawn, so we turned on the cartoon channel so we could lounge in bed for a little longer. I thought he was going to drift back to sleep watching a show at the end of our bed. When I opened my eyes to check on him (not sure how many minutes later), he had disappeared.

I poked my head into the hall and called to him. No answer. I called him again. No answer. At this point hubby jumped out of bed, worried. He called to him. Again, no answer. Hubby ran down the stairs and found him immediately. The reason he was being so strangely silent was because he was sitting at the dining room table peeling foil wrappers off of chocolate eggs. Chocolate eggs that I thought had been put out of reaching distance. We figured he'd eaten at least three or four of them before we caught him red handed.

Besides sneaking treats, he's also been known to sneak money from the change bowl. Yesterday, when he didn't think I was looking, he opened the drawer that the change bowl is located, grabbed some coins, and began shoving them into his pocket. He loves carrying money in his pockets (starts young, doesn't it?). No wonder I've been finding coins in the washing machine!

What a guy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

He's one of a kind, but is his name?

We agonized over selecting the perfect name for the little guy. Our criteria:

- Couldn't be in the top 100 boy names (the name we selected wasn't even in the top 500 names!)
- The name needed to be recognizable, but not common
- It couldn't start with the letter B (didn't want his initials to be BO)
- It had to be a strong name that had success written all over it

Now, thanks to certain popular set of vampire books for young adults, our name is being broadcast around the globe. What if it becomes the new, trendy boy name? That would totally suck! My only hope is that women of child bearing age stop reading these books right now (yah, like that's going to happen).

Out of curiosity, I read through the name popularity statistics for the last few years and guess what? The name is starting to climb up the charts. It still not even close to the top 100 but's our name. And did you know that we've encountered two other kids in our neighbourhood with the same name? How is that even statistically possible?

Hands off people!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sick and tired of sickness

What is it with little kids and the stomach flu? My 13 year no-puke record was shattered after the little guy came along. In the last 3.5 years, I've had the stomach flu twice.

We've actually been pretty lucky for the last 1.5 years. The little guy has been exposed to many different bugs, but seems to be immune. My theory is that because he had such a wicked case of the stomach flu a couple of years ago that he's built up an immunity. Or until last week, that is. His little daycare buddy (who is the biggest germ factory I've ever met) got really sick and vomited on and off for several days. Then our caregiver got sick. Many of the kids at his nursery school have also been plagued with this same illness.

On Good Friday, the little guy's luck ran out. He puked all over our duvet (10 points for good aim!). Thank god his father was home to clean it up. He handles puke much better than I do. I braced myself for a very long, long weekend. Miraculously, he only puked that one time. Within a couple of hours he seemed to make a full recovery. Or so we thought. Yesterday (Easter Sunday), started off on a high note. We cycled to our friend's house for brunch and were having a great visit when, all of a sudden, he complained of a headache. He was burning up with a fever. And then the diarrhea started. A couple of hours later he was better again. Or so we thought. That's when the sore throat developed, along with another fever. This morning the sore throat persisted but he is otherwise fine (knock on wood).

Now hubby has a sore throat and some gastrointestinal distress. Sigh....

I am hoping and praying that if I get this illness that I am at least spared the vomiting part. Those of you who know me will understand why. I would quite literally rather die than throw up. I'm not exaggerating. I hate being sick so much that if someone handed me a loaded pistol while at the height of nausea I'd probably pull the trigger to put myself out of misery. When I tell people this they think I'm joking. When I tell them I'm dead serious, they just think I'm really weird. I may be weird but I'm not alone. I've met two other people (kindred anti-puking spirits) who feel exactly the same way as I do. We have a little competition going to see who can break my 13 year record. That is a competition I intend to win.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Soup is good food

After a rather frosty bike ride, we decided to tuck into a restaurant for some nice, hot pho. As you can see from these photos, the little guy kept his adorable little hoodie jacket on while he ate.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I love my grandparents!

Here are a few pics from the little guy's recent visit with his grandparents.

Peek-a-boo through the cat door.

Grandpa and the little guy have a fascinating discussion about his toy squid.

Baking banana bread with Grandma.

Amma and the little guy doing some heavy construction work at the Children's museum.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Quick update

My apologies for being so tardy in updating my blog. Here are the top 10 reasons I haven't updated my blog in over a week:

10. We were out of town visiting our parents last weekend. Let me take the opportunity right now to apologize to all of the friends I wanted to see while I was in town, but didn't. There was just too much family stuff going on and not enough hours in the day.
9. I'm hopelessly addicted to the Twilight series. I'm almost finished the final book
so hopefully I won't be so distracted this week! (btw: I watched the movie last night. Did anyone else find it really disappointing?)
8. I was in Charlottetown, PEI for business earlier this week. Man do I want to go back in the summer time. It is so beautiful and the people are so friendly.
7. The little guy has the stomach flu. Great, just great. I'm crossing my fingers I'm not next.
6. I'm too bloody tired to do anything but read my book and go to bed.
5. It's spring time, which means I'm outside puddle stomping and frolicking at the park.
4. I have all these ideas for topics I want to blog about but I just can't seem to get the words out. Hopefully I'll be more on my game next week.
3. I went through a pretty rough personal issue a couple of weeks ago and have been really down in the dumps. I'm feeling much better though, so no need to worry.
2. It's Good Friday and I'm working. I've got a report due on Tuesday from my trip to PEI so I'm under the gun.
1. I have some awesome pictures that I want to put up but I haven't got around to downloading them yet. Once I do that, I'll have lots of fodder for future blog posts.

Enough with the excuses. I'll be back again soon, with lots of great photos!