Monday, April 13, 2009

Sick and tired of sickness

What is it with little kids and the stomach flu? My 13 year no-puke record was shattered after the little guy came along. In the last 3.5 years, I've had the stomach flu twice.

We've actually been pretty lucky for the last 1.5 years. The little guy has been exposed to many different bugs, but seems to be immune. My theory is that because he had such a wicked case of the stomach flu a couple of years ago that he's built up an immunity. Or until last week, that is. His little daycare buddy (who is the biggest germ factory I've ever met) got really sick and vomited on and off for several days. Then our caregiver got sick. Many of the kids at his nursery school have also been plagued with this same illness.

On Good Friday, the little guy's luck ran out. He puked all over our duvet (10 points for good aim!). Thank god his father was home to clean it up. He handles puke much better than I do. I braced myself for a very long, long weekend. Miraculously, he only puked that one time. Within a couple of hours he seemed to make a full recovery. Or so we thought. Yesterday (Easter Sunday), started off on a high note. We cycled to our friend's house for brunch and were having a great visit when, all of a sudden, he complained of a headache. He was burning up with a fever. And then the diarrhea started. A couple of hours later he was better again. Or so we thought. That's when the sore throat developed, along with another fever. This morning the sore throat persisted but he is otherwise fine (knock on wood).

Now hubby has a sore throat and some gastrointestinal distress. Sigh....

I am hoping and praying that if I get this illness that I am at least spared the vomiting part. Those of you who know me will understand why. I would quite literally rather die than throw up. I'm not exaggerating. I hate being sick so much that if someone handed me a loaded pistol while at the height of nausea I'd probably pull the trigger to put myself out of misery. When I tell people this they think I'm joking. When I tell them I'm dead serious, they just think I'm really weird. I may be weird but I'm not alone. I've met two other people (kindred anti-puking spirits) who feel exactly the same way as I do. We have a little competition going to see who can break my 13 year record. That is a competition I intend to win.

Wish me luck!

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