Friday, June 27, 2008

5 days and counting

Baby boy has been using the toilet in the morning and the evening for the last five days in a row. He's had several successful pees. No poohs. But hey, we're making progress!


The little guy flies off the handle a lot these days. Chalk it up to being 2 1/2 years old. This morning he got really mad at me for some reason (I can't even remember why). In his fit of fury he pointed at me and yelled, "I think you need a time out. Bad Mommy!"


Baby boy was feeling rather festive this morning. He carefully perched a purple balloon in one of our large tree-like plants and proclaimed proudly, "I made it Christmas!"


Amma taught the little guy a new children's song while she was visiting. It goes like this:

Slippery fish, slippery fish
swimming in the water
A slippery fish, a slippery fish
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a

Tuna fish, a tuna fish
splashing in the water
A tuna fish, a tuna fish
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by

An octopus, an octopus
wiggling in the water
An octopus, an octopus
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a

Great White Shark, a great white shark
lurking in the water
A great white shark, a great white shark
gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by an

Enormous Whale, an enormous whale
Spouting in the water
Enormous Whale, enormous whale
Gulp, gulp, BURP!
Excuse ME!

Now that he knows this song off by heart he's starting improvising with the lyrics. Here are a couple of new verses I heard him string together today:

A zebra horse, zebra horse
digging in the sand
A zebra horse, a zebra horse
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He was eating by a

Fluffy duck, a fluffy duck
swimming in the water

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Singing his heart out!

These days you can hear the little guy singing before you see him. He sings and hums pretty much all the time. His Amma says he takes after hubby's brother who could also carry a tune from a very young age.


In previous posts I mentioned how baby boy likes to invent new words. He latest word is "baggachizzes." What are they? I'm still not completely sure, except that you have to cook them before you eat them with sushi. Also, the taste "kinda like a frog." Mmmmm....Delicious!


If you scold the little guy for his misdemeanors, he now shows remorse. He sticks his head in my leg and says, "Mommy, I'm sad."

"Are you sad because mommy and daddy got upset with you?"

"Yah," he says sheepishly.

"What do you say?"

Even more sheepishly he replies, "I sorry."

Monday, June 23, 2008

Full of beans

When Amma was in town last week, the little guy could not contain his excitement. He bounced around the house, climbed the furniture, and acted like a complete nut. When his nuttiness got out of control, I picked him up and said, "You are full of beans!" He squirmed out of my arms and said, "Don't squish the beans!"


I was drinking coffee after work today and baby boy was watching the steam float off the top.

A few minutes later he said, "That's hot."

"What's hot?" I asked, "My coffee."

"No," he replied. "It's hot on my bum. I have to blow it out."

A bad case of diaper rash maybe????


I recently bought a toilet seat attachment for the little guy in a moment of wishful thinking. And, just as I suspected, baby boy would have nothing to do with it. Or until yesterday that is. I accidentally opened his diaper while he was in mid poop. He wasn't sure what to do. I told him he had two choices: diaper or toilet. He kind of had a panicked look on his face and I could tell he really had to go.

Deciding that I shouldn't waste the opportunity, I took him into the bathroom for a toilet seat lesson. I explained how it worked, and that there were handles he could hold onto if he felt scared.

"I get to blow out the candle and eat chocolate?" he asked. These were rewards we'd offered up in the past that he'd never taken us up on before.


That sealed the deal. Up he went. Many books and no poohs later, off he hopped. We celebrated this small toilet training victory with chocolate chips and tea lights and a couple of rounds of the Happy Birthday song. He was so delighted that he climbed right back on the toilet three times in a row (in hopes of more candles and chocolate!)

And tonight he sat on the toilet and peed with no prompting at all. Do you have any idea how much I've dreamed of this day? Cross your fingers for me that this is the beginning of the end of diapers!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ups and Downs

It's been a stressful and emotional week. I started my new job on Monday. Thank goodness Amma was in town to look after the little guy while I adjusted to a very different work routine.

I'm used to 10-minutes on foot from door to door with flex hours. I quickly discovered that my commute to the new office is a bit of a nightmare (or will be in the winter). The buses are slow, indirect, unpredictable and unreliable. So, I've decided that cycling is definitely the way to go. So far I've biked twice, getting lost several times. Through trial and error I've now found a route that mostly follows bike path. I should take roughly 20-25 minutes door to door. (Did I mention I already got a flat tire???? Luckily it deflated after I got home.)

On my very first day of work I uncovered yet another problem: my hours of work. I told my manager at the interview that if there were busy times, I could switch schedules with hubby and work later. She had the understanding that I would work until at least 5:00 pm (preferably even later) each day without fail. Apparently I hadn't made myself clear enough. So....we've negotiated a bit, so that I can leave at 4:30 on a "trial basis". I'm pretty sure she's not happy with that. Frankly, neither am I. I'm used to leaving by around 4:00. Baby boy goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 so my new schedule is definitely cut into our time together in the evening. I'm feeling pretty sad about that.

Thankfully after next week, hubby isn't going to be doing any travel for work until September. This is definitely going to help. We've decided to switch schedules so that I do the drop off and he does the pick up. That way, if duty calls, I won't be stressed about having to stay late. When he travels I'm going to have to drive to work. It's actually a pretty fast drive. Unfortunately that will meaning moving my car a couple of times a day to avoid getting a ticket. I'd pay to avoid the headache, but there isn't a pay lot in site (crazy!!).

On the up side, the job is really cool. The files are interesting, I really like the team and I'm going to be getting some management experience. It's just an acting position for 4 months which may become permanent.

I'm going to try my best to make things work. Cross your fingers for me!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A nod in the right direction

Baby boy is sometimes extremely shy. Even though we see the same people day after day at the park, it takes him a good 10 to 15 minutes to warm up to them with each encounter. And, even when he does come out of his shell, he usually won't talk to the other parents. In the last few days he's come up with a new communications strategy for shy situations. When you give him a yes or no question he gives a giant, exaggerated nod of the head with a huge grin on his face. He likes the head nod so much that he's started doing it at home. Our house just got a whole lot quieter!


The little guy has a friend named Logan Finn. We always use his middle name to differentiate him from another Logan who hangs in the same social circle.

While making conversation the other day, baby boy said to me, "I saw a dolphin yesterday."

"Really," I replied.

"Yah," he said. "He was hiding behind his Logan Finn." What he meant to say was "dorsal fin."


News flash:

- The little guy has mastered the tricycle and is now the proud owner of a bike with training wheels. It is the tiniest bike I've ever seen.

- I kid you not: he can sing in perfect harmony (he doesn't get it from me!). His favourite tunes are "Down by the Bay," "Happy birthday," and that crazy camp song about the moose that drinks juice in bed.

- Instead of calling dad "dad" he calls him "dee-ad." Hubby isn't too keen on it. I reminded him that for 6 months or more baby boy called me "wee-bee."

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Kudos to all the single moms out there!

I've been on my own since Tuesday and I'm literally counting the minutes and seconds until hubby's plane lands this afternoon. I don't know if it's the heatwave we're having or what, but baby boy has been extra cranky the last couple of days. And, being the weekend and all, I've tried every trick in the book to keep him happy and entertained. Nothing is working. He's whiny, irritable and is going out of his way to get negative attention (i.e. jumping on me, throwing things, creating embarrassing scenes in public, hiding from me). I'm tired and grouchy too so guess what? It's working!

I just put him down for a much needed nap so that I can get some much needed respite!

I honestly don't know how single moms keep their sanity!

Friday, June 06, 2008

My bouquet

These photos were taken on Mother's Day. Baby boy gave me this bouquet of flowers that we both enjoyed very much!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Oh the funny things you say

I was in the bathroom the other day when all of a sudden the door flung open. Baby boy barged in and said, "Mom, you having privacy?"

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The sweater

See this little brown, hand-knit sweater with the squirrel on it? This was one of hubby's when he was a baby. I absolutely love it!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Better late than never

Here are some pics from our trip to Texas back in February. Sorry they are so late. We misplaced our little point and shoot camera and only recently found it again.

On our way to Texas we had a brief stopover in Chicago's O'Hare airport. This great little children's museum (free!) made the time just fly by. Here he is in training to become an Air Traffic Controller.

Most of the little guy's trip to San Antonio was spent "fixing the barbecue." He would open up the cover, throw in some stones and sand, blast it with the bubblemaker gun and it would be as good as new!

This was the little guy and I waiting for the guards to open up the gates to Sea World for the wedding. It was also probably the last time ever baby boy was caught wearing a pair of overalls.

Decked out in his cool animal themed shirt, it was off to the San Antonio Zoo. Here we saw rhinos, hippos, elephants, snakes and just about every other animal.

Dad and baby boy hanging out at the zoo.

All zooed out.

Most of my other photos from this trip are on our other camera and have yet to be downloaded. We are running out of space to store them. As soon as we fix the problem I'll share some pics from the underwater wedding ceremony.