Thursday, June 12, 2008

A nod in the right direction

Baby boy is sometimes extremely shy. Even though we see the same people day after day at the park, it takes him a good 10 to 15 minutes to warm up to them with each encounter. And, even when he does come out of his shell, he usually won't talk to the other parents. In the last few days he's come up with a new communications strategy for shy situations. When you give him a yes or no question he gives a giant, exaggerated nod of the head with a huge grin on his face. He likes the head nod so much that he's started doing it at home. Our house just got a whole lot quieter!


The little guy has a friend named Logan Finn. We always use his middle name to differentiate him from another Logan who hangs in the same social circle.

While making conversation the other day, baby boy said to me, "I saw a dolphin yesterday."

"Really," I replied.

"Yah," he said. "He was hiding behind his Logan Finn." What he meant to say was "dorsal fin."


News flash:

- The little guy has mastered the tricycle and is now the proud owner of a bike with training wheels. It is the tiniest bike I've ever seen.

- I kid you not: he can sing in perfect harmony (he doesn't get it from me!). His favourite tunes are "Down by the Bay," "Happy birthday," and that crazy camp song about the moose that drinks juice in bed.

- Instead of calling dad "dad" he calls him "dee-ad." Hubby isn't too keen on it. I reminded him that for 6 months or more baby boy called me "wee-bee."

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