Sunday, March 28, 2010

I've said it before

I live with Destructo. Today, I cleaned the house from top to bottom. But every time I turned around there was a new mess to contend with. It kind of makes me feel like Ali Sard from the Dr. Seuss book,"Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?" Poor Ali Sard has a job mowing his cheap uncle's fast-growing grass. The faster he mows, the faster it grows. In my case, the faster I clean the faster the he messes things up.

We've been toying with the idea of hiring a cleaning service. We used to have someone come every couple of weeks but I never felt I got my money's worth. And with Destructo in the house I doubt that the cleaning would last more than a day or two. It wouldn't take long for the trails of crumbs, toys and mystery sticky stuff to take over.

I think a Nanny would be a better option. Especially a Nanny that would shop, cook and clean. That would be heavenly.

This is the part where I have to pinch myself awake from my lovely daydream. My mom is coming for a visit on Thursday so I guess I better start cleaning some more!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spriderman, Spiderman

Spiderman is very popular these days, as is the theme song. He's pretty well memorized it, but he sometimes gets the words mixed up. Here is the little guy's variation.

"Spiderman, Spiderman, your lovely neighbourhood Spiderman." Heehee


We are hearing a lot of talk about blood, guts and weapons lately. I think he's picked up this language on the school bus.

The other day he told me that the only way to kill Spiderman would be to "Cha-ching" him will a sword. "Why would anyone want to do that?" I asked him. "The bad guys would," he told me. I'm really getting sick of the bad guys he's always telling me about.

When I picked him up from daycare the other day he said, "Mom, I drew you a picture." I was delighted until he told me it was a picture of a "blood weapon." Apparently he had gone to great pains to find the perfect red pencil crayon to draw it with. My disappointment was compounded when I found out that he drew a picture of a flower for his caregiver.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

While riding the bus

I took the little guy on a bus ride adventure the other day (at his request). On our travels, we happened upon a couple of very cool toy stores. Normally we just go in and "look" but, because it was our special day together, I told him we could buy one new toy. After a great deal of deliberation he chose a sperm whale to add to his whale figurine collection.

On the bus ride home, he asked if he could take it out of his bag.

"Of course," I said, and handed it to him.

The bus was very crowded, which makes the story I'm about to tell all the more embarrassing.

"Mom," he said a little too loudly, "I think I'm going to name him Spermy."

"Uh huh," I said, pretending to only be half listening.

"Sperm whales are called sperm whales because they have lots of sperm," he told me.
"The sperm comes out of their blow hole."

At this point, my face turned completely red and I wished I could hide under my seat.

For the record, he has no clue what sperm means!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Overheard at the playground

- Today, the little guy finally got up the nerve to go down the BIG, twisty slide. Even I find this particular slide a bit intimidating. He was wearing his slippery, fleece pants. When he got off at the bottom he told me his tummy felt funny. I'm pretty sure he was trying to describe having butterflies in his stomach. He said, "The slide made my blood hurt!"

- After making it up the climbing wall all by himself, he said "Wow, that is so much cool!"