Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Proud mom moments

I've had many proud mom moments -- particularly in the last few months. The little guy has gone from crawling, to climbing, and now to walking in such a short time. Last night he walked all the way across the room holding a metal spatula, with a huge grin on his face. I don't know who was more proud!

Every day he learns something new, and every day I burst with pride.

I can't believe he's going to be 1-year old tomorrow. Where did the time go?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He saw his shadow

The little guy discovered his shadow this morning. Does this mean a shorter winter? I sure hope so!

Baby boy got really excited when he noticed a strange dark figure moving against the wall. He touched it, and waved his hands around and watched it imitate his every move. I took this as an opportunity to put on a shadow puppet show. Who needs television? For the little guy this was prime time entertainment!

Now, when I ask him where his shadow is, he looks across the room at that same wall. Where could it be? He hasn't quite figured out that his shadow follows him everywhere.

Monday, November 27, 2006

New tricks

The little guy has added a couple of new tricks to his repetoire.

- As of last night, he can walk! Although he's not quite a marathoner yet, he can take three or four steps without holding on. And....he can multitask. This morning he took three steps while holding a toy in each of his hands.

- Last week the remote control for our stereo went missing. We looked high and low and couldn't find it anywhere. The mystery of the lost remote was finally solved when I witnessed baby boy pull it out of a perrier box. It turns out that, among his new tricks, he's become a pack rat! He's been using that box to stash plastic lids, a metal espresso cup, graham crakers etc.... Last night I caught him trying to box up one of my hubby's sandals.

In other news, daycare integration is going well. Today he was too busy playing with the other kids that he didn't even notice me walk through the door. Drop-offs are still a little rough, but once he gets distracted by all the toys, he feels right at home!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Quick update

Gotta chase baby....huff, puff, huff, puff

He's mastered stair climbing in the last 24 hours. So today we've been going up and down, up and down, and up and down the stairs some more! I figure I might as well let the novelty wear off. In between laps, we've been dancing to the tunes on his new Sharon, Lois and Bram CD. How can such a little guy have so much energy? Mommy is exhausted!

In other news, the second visit with the caregiver didn't go so well. He kept looking at the door for me, and had a few teary breakdowns. When I came to pick him up, he clung on to me and cried and cried and cried. I just about joined him.... My heart has been aching ever since. Do I really have to go back to work????

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Go organic!

I was inspired to join a local organics club after hearing an interview with Thomas Pawlick, author of The end of food: How the food industry is destroying our food supply - and what we can do about it. His book is full of disturbing facts about supermarket produce -- including how many of the tomatoes found there are gassed to make them turn red. An interview with Pawlick can be found online at It's pretty disturbing stuff!

In any case, it sparked me to rethink the fruits and veggies I feed my family. They deserve fresh produce that is pesticide and sodium (yes, sodium!) free, and rich with nutrients (unlike many found in the supermarket that are mass produced in nutrient depleted soil).

I signed up for a weekly $20 organics basket. This week it contained: 2 lemons, 2 avacados, 1 bunch of celery, 2 zuccinis, 2 green peppers, 2 kiwis, 6 plums, 3 apples, a bunch of kale, a large container of strawberries and a basket of cherry tomatoes. I couldn't by that for $20 - organic or not at this time of year! It's a really good deal. Plus, now that I'm a member, I get a discount on all organic products.

The only challenge my basket has created thus far is: what do I make out of kale? If you have any good kale recipes, let me know!

I can't wait to get the next basket. I love that you don't know in advance what you're going to get. It's like x-mas morning every week (oh god, I'm such a nerd!!!).

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Separation anxiety

The little guy doesn't suffer from separation anxiety. I do.

Yesterday I left him at the caregiver's house for two hours as part of our strategy for easing him into daycare. I was so nervous, I felt sick to my stomach. It was the first time I had ever left him at someone else's house.

I had a meeting with my boss during those two hours, and I kept on stealing glances at my watch. When the meeting was over I practically sprinted all the way to the caregiver's house. My mind was racing. What if he felt abandoned? Has he been crying since I left? He's still so young -- he just won't understand!

When I got to her door, I could see my little guy through the window. He was pushing a kitchen stool around the house with a big grin on his face, just like he does at home. I realized at that moment that I was the one who who couldn't handle the separation. He was just fine. That's hard on the maternal ego!

Next week he'll be going there again for a couple of hours. I'm already dreading it. What am I going to do with myself while he's there? How will I stop myself from worrying? People keep telling me it will get easier over time. I hope so, because I'm a wreck!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dogs to the rescue?

The littlest hobo. Lassie. My dearly departed Springer Spaniel, Fred. They were all heros in my mind.

Dogs best friend was put to the test recently to find out if they would actually come to the rescue in an emergency situation. In a series of staged events, owners pretended to be in peril to see if their canine companions would go for help. None of them did. I, for one, think that this study is flawed. Even the best actor in the world can't fool a dog. If my late dog is any indication, dogs can sense emotion. I have no doubt that my Freddy would have known that I was faking, had we been part of the study.

What would my dog have done if I was lying on the ground pretending to be injured? He would probably be delighted! Oh boy, a new game! He would have galloped on over and licked my face, and stuck his butt up in the air to gesture "game on."

My Fred was as loyal as they come. Always there to greet you at the door, to cheer you up when you were down, to protect the household by barking when the doorbell rang... He was a good old boy. To say that he was heroic might be a stetch. Anyone who knew him would agree that he was a big chicken. A big bark, but no bite. He would hide behind my legs when a stranger came to the door. Even so, I have to believe that if I was really in trouble, he would have sensed it, and done something to help me.

He would have sensed danger in the same way he sensed when I wasn't feeling well.
I'll never forget how, one time, I had a terrible flu and he didn't leave my side all day. He snuggled up to me to keep me warm and had a genuine look of concern on his face.

He would have sensed danger the same way he sensed my family's sadness the night that my grandmother died. Fred broke the news to me. Normally when I arrived at the door he whined with excitement, madly wagging his tail. But on that particular evening he walked over to me slowly with his head bowed down, wearing a very sad expression. He gave my hand a comforting lick, as if to say he was very sorry.

I'd like to see how a dog would react in a real situation before stripping them of their hero status. I say we should give dogs a little more credit for being the sensitive and loyal creatures that they are.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Don't deck the halls quite yet

Now that Halloween is over, the malls are hauling out their Christmas decorations. It seems like every year retailers try to draw the "shopping season" out a little longer. Case and point: The Bay had their x-mas display out in September. Give me a break already! I always feel sorry for those poor employees who have to listen to the same x-mas music over and over and over again...

And just when we all let out a sigh of relief that we've survived yet another hectic holiday season, the Boxing Month sales begin.... I bet nobody yells "Merry Christmas!" when the credit card bills start arriving in the mail in January.

I've made a list and I'm checking it twice. It's a list of dos and don'ts for the holiday season.

Do: eat, drink and be merry
Do: stick to your x-mas gift-buying budget
Do: stay out of crowded malls (that's why online shopping was invented)
Do: give generously to charities that need help this holiday season
Do: take advantage of the time off to spend with the little guy
Do: relax and enjoy

Don't: shop at any store that puts out decorations before December
Don't: give into pressure tactics to spend x-mas in far off places
Don't: let the preparations for holidays take over your already hectic life.
Don't: go overboard with the eating!