Thursday, November 09, 2006

Separation anxiety

The little guy doesn't suffer from separation anxiety. I do.

Yesterday I left him at the caregiver's house for two hours as part of our strategy for easing him into daycare. I was so nervous, I felt sick to my stomach. It was the first time I had ever left him at someone else's house.

I had a meeting with my boss during those two hours, and I kept on stealing glances at my watch. When the meeting was over I practically sprinted all the way to the caregiver's house. My mind was racing. What if he felt abandoned? Has he been crying since I left? He's still so young -- he just won't understand!

When I got to her door, I could see my little guy through the window. He was pushing a kitchen stool around the house with a big grin on his face, just like he does at home. I realized at that moment that I was the one who who couldn't handle the separation. He was just fine. That's hard on the maternal ego!

Next week he'll be going there again for a couple of hours. I'm already dreading it. What am I going to do with myself while he's there? How will I stop myself from worrying? People keep telling me it will get easier over time. I hope so, because I'm a wreck!

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