Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dogs to the rescue?

The littlest hobo. Lassie. My dearly departed Springer Spaniel, Fred. They were all heros in my mind.

Dogs best friend was put to the test recently to find out if they would actually come to the rescue in an emergency situation. In a series of staged events, owners pretended to be in peril to see if their canine companions would go for help. None of them did. I, for one, think that this study is flawed. Even the best actor in the world can't fool a dog. If my late dog is any indication, dogs can sense emotion. I have no doubt that my Freddy would have known that I was faking, had we been part of the study.

What would my dog have done if I was lying on the ground pretending to be injured? He would probably be delighted! Oh boy, a new game! He would have galloped on over and licked my face, and stuck his butt up in the air to gesture "game on."

My Fred was as loyal as they come. Always there to greet you at the door, to cheer you up when you were down, to protect the household by barking when the doorbell rang... He was a good old boy. To say that he was heroic might be a stetch. Anyone who knew him would agree that he was a big chicken. A big bark, but no bite. He would hide behind my legs when a stranger came to the door. Even so, I have to believe that if I was really in trouble, he would have sensed it, and done something to help me.

He would have sensed danger in the same way he sensed when I wasn't feeling well.
I'll never forget how, one time, I had a terrible flu and he didn't leave my side all day. He snuggled up to me to keep me warm and had a genuine look of concern on his face.

He would have sensed danger the same way he sensed my family's sadness the night that my grandmother died. Fred broke the news to me. Normally when I arrived at the door he whined with excitement, madly wagging his tail. But on that particular evening he walked over to me slowly with his head bowed down, wearing a very sad expression. He gave my hand a comforting lick, as if to say he was very sorry.

I'd like to see how a dog would react in a real situation before stripping them of their hero status. I say we should give dogs a little more credit for being the sensitive and loyal creatures that they are.

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