Friday, November 03, 2006

Don't deck the halls quite yet

Now that Halloween is over, the malls are hauling out their Christmas decorations. It seems like every year retailers try to draw the "shopping season" out a little longer. Case and point: The Bay had their x-mas display out in September. Give me a break already! I always feel sorry for those poor employees who have to listen to the same x-mas music over and over and over again...

And just when we all let out a sigh of relief that we've survived yet another hectic holiday season, the Boxing Month sales begin.... I bet nobody yells "Merry Christmas!" when the credit card bills start arriving in the mail in January.

I've made a list and I'm checking it twice. It's a list of dos and don'ts for the holiday season.

Do: eat, drink and be merry
Do: stick to your x-mas gift-buying budget
Do: stay out of crowded malls (that's why online shopping was invented)
Do: give generously to charities that need help this holiday season
Do: take advantage of the time off to spend with the little guy
Do: relax and enjoy

Don't: shop at any store that puts out decorations before December
Don't: give into pressure tactics to spend x-mas in far off places
Don't: let the preparations for holidays take over your already hectic life.
Don't: go overboard with the eating!

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