Sunday, March 28, 2010

I've said it before

I live with Destructo. Today, I cleaned the house from top to bottom. But every time I turned around there was a new mess to contend with. It kind of makes me feel like Ali Sard from the Dr. Seuss book,"Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?" Poor Ali Sard has a job mowing his cheap uncle's fast-growing grass. The faster he mows, the faster it grows. In my case, the faster I clean the faster the he messes things up.

We've been toying with the idea of hiring a cleaning service. We used to have someone come every couple of weeks but I never felt I got my money's worth. And with Destructo in the house I doubt that the cleaning would last more than a day or two. It wouldn't take long for the trails of crumbs, toys and mystery sticky stuff to take over.

I think a Nanny would be a better option. Especially a Nanny that would shop, cook and clean. That would be heavenly.

This is the part where I have to pinch myself awake from my lovely daydream. My mom is coming for a visit on Thursday so I guess I better start cleaning some more!

1 comment:

ed said...

my advise. don't toy with the idea. get the cleaning 'person'. worth every last penny and more...