Thursday, April 15, 2010

Did you miss me?

Sorry peeps! I have been incredibly lazy about updating my blog lately. It must be the nice weather keeping me away from my computer.

So what's new? Well, for one, I have a new niece. Annika Lee was born on April 14. Can't wait to meet her!

In other news, I'm training for a 10 km race as well as a "mini" triathalon. A really mini triathalon that is composed of a 100 metre swim, 10.5 km bike and a 2 km run. The run and the bike should be fairly easy. It's the two laps in the pool that worry me to no end! I swim like a rock. No seriously. A rock. But I figure that, as bad of a swimmer as I am, I can muster the strength to flail myself across the pool for 100 metres.

When my mom came to visit for the Easter long weekend, Hubby and I went running together a couple of times. He made me do a 13 km run. I accused him of trying to kill me! My longest run of the season before that was 5 km so I was feeling a little out of shape. But hey, at least I know I won't have any trouble completing the 10 km race at the end of May. I'm really hoping that all of this working out will help me get back to my goal weight. I could really stand to lose 10 or 15 lbs.

My training was rudely interrupted by a nasty stomach flu. I have my mother to thank for sharing that one with me during her visit! She got sick right before Easter dinner. That night I became ill as well. For a whole week I felt like crap and could barely eat. My mom was so sick she had to delay her trip home by a couple of days. Hubby and the little guy managed to escape catching that bout of nastiness. Lucky!!! Anyways, I'm finally back to my old self, except that I now have a cold. Oh well. I'm still going to get out running, biking and swimming this weekend. The clock is ticking! I can't waste any time getting ready for my race events.

Before I sign off for the night, here are a couple of little anecdotes about the little guy.

- This morning he came downstairs wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I told him it was too cold to be wearing shorts (it was only +1 this morning!). When I told him he'd have to wear long pants he got really upset and said, "But that's a terrible thing to say!" That's one of his favourite lines these days when he doesn't get his way.

- I'm not sure how we got on to the subject of Jesus, but somehow his name came up the other day. Hubby and I are not religious people and have not done much in the way of supplying the little guy with a good Christian education. Which is why we gasped when he turned to me and said, "Mom, Jesus was a man. He was a MAN and he DIED! He really DIED! But a few days later he came back to life....he REALLY did!" Hubby and I just about fell over. How did he know all of that? It took us a minute to realize that they had been talking about Easter at school.

That story kind of reminded me of the time he came home and told us he had learned about Eid in class. I asked if there were any students in his class were Muslim and celebrated Eid, to which he responded "I am, and I celebrate Eid."

I love that his teacher talks to the class a lot about different cultures and celebrations.

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