Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh the funny things he says

Some recent questions he's asked me:

- "Mom, does nature look like a church?"

- At the dinner table on Easter Sunday in earshot of my friend's parents, "Mom, what toilet did Grandma throw up in?"

- "Do babies come out of a hole in your tummy?"

Some recent conversations we've had:

The little guy asked us what we call a sheep after its hair got all cut off.

"You mean after it gets sheared?" Daddy asked.

"No, after its hair got cut," he insisted.

"That's called shearing."

"No it's not," the little guy insisted. "It's called getting its hair cut."

"Okay," Daddy replied. "So what is a sheep called after its hair gets cut?"

"A goat."


In the car yesterday, hubby and I started talking about the volcano that erupted in Iceland. The little guy chirped in from the back seat, "Do you know what an eruption is?"

"Yes, do you?" I replied.

"An eruption is when a volcano explodes."

"That's right," I answered, impressed that he knew the definition.

"When a volcano erupts the llama comes running out."

"You mean lava?"

"No, Llama"

Nothing we could say could persuade him that the proper word was lava.


I like to play Family Feud on Facebook. The little guy loves to help me.

"Are you playing the Family Few?" he always asks. (Heehee)

His favourite way to help is to type in the word "cat" during each round.

"Mom," he says. "Can I type the word cat all by myself?"

If only it ever came up as the right answer!

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