Sunday, April 18, 2010

My little troublemaker

The little guy peed in a juice container and then left it sitting on the bathroom floor. Right in front of the toilet. He told me that he did it because he was mad at me.

What's up with that?


The little guy is learning all sorts of wonderful things in Junior Kindergarten. But, at the same time, he's learning a few not so wonderful things. Like bathroom humour, for example. Have you ever heard a group of 4-year olds joking around on the playground? They love nothing more that to use words like pooh-pooh, bum, stinky, toilet etc...

Curbing the toilet talk is next to impossible. It's like telling a teen-ager that they are forbidden to smoke. If you forbid something it makes it all the more appealing.

So, I've taken a new approach that seems to be working (although I must admit that I sometimes just turn a deaf ear to let him get it out of his system).

Here is what I find works the best:
- I give him a warning (sometimes two). Then, if I catch him using rude words again, we have to leave right the park/play date/activity right away. I made him leave the park one day for some repeated language offenses so he now knows I mean business. Usually a warning is all that is needed now.
- A dollar a day takes the potty mouth away. Each day he has the opportunity to earn $1 towards a toy purchase. If he uses bad words, he doesn't get a dollar. This week he did really well and racked up $5. We then went to the toy store and let him pick out a small toy. He is now working towards a bigger toy.

If you have any other tips, I'd love to hear them!

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