Friday, June 27, 2008

5 days and counting

Baby boy has been using the toilet in the morning and the evening for the last five days in a row. He's had several successful pees. No poohs. But hey, we're making progress!


The little guy flies off the handle a lot these days. Chalk it up to being 2 1/2 years old. This morning he got really mad at me for some reason (I can't even remember why). In his fit of fury he pointed at me and yelled, "I think you need a time out. Bad Mommy!"


Baby boy was feeling rather festive this morning. He carefully perched a purple balloon in one of our large tree-like plants and proclaimed proudly, "I made it Christmas!"


Amma taught the little guy a new children's song while she was visiting. It goes like this:

Slippery fish, slippery fish
swimming in the water
A slippery fish, a slippery fish
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a

Tuna fish, a tuna fish
splashing in the water
A tuna fish, a tuna fish
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by

An octopus, an octopus
wiggling in the water
An octopus, an octopus
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a

Great White Shark, a great white shark
lurking in the water
A great white shark, a great white shark
gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by an

Enormous Whale, an enormous whale
Spouting in the water
Enormous Whale, enormous whale
Gulp, gulp, BURP!
Excuse ME!

Now that he knows this song off by heart he's starting improvising with the lyrics. Here are a couple of new verses I heard him string together today:

A zebra horse, zebra horse
digging in the sand
A zebra horse, a zebra horse
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He was eating by a

Fluffy duck, a fluffy duck
swimming in the water

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