Monday, April 27, 2009

He's not pee shy!

It was such a beautiful day today that I decided that we should have a picnic at the park. I hopped over to the store at lunch and picked up some veggies and dip, avocado rolls, fruit salad and drinks so we could head straight to the park from daycare. In all of our haste to start our picnic, it never occurred to me to stop and let the little guy use the bathroom first.

You see where this story is leading.....Not long after downing a whole bottle of juice the little guy had to go really badly. Normally he would come and tell me so that I could get him a diaper. But not this time. No, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He stripped off his shorts and underwear and then proceeded to pee right next to a tree. I'm pretty sure that he was trying to be discreet but instead of going behind the tree to pee, he stood in front of the tree before a crowd of onlookers. We all clapped and cheered (and laughed ourselves silly). Afterwards, the little guy was so pleased with himself that brought some of his friends over to look at the puddle he made. I heard him give them a play by play about how his pee went right into the mud.

It was so funny I just about peed myself :-)

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