Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lots of updates

Finally, I have a moment to sit down and write. Here is the latest on the little guy:

- He's going through a couple of phases that we hope will soon pass. In particular, the "putting his finger up his nose" phase, and the "throwing everything in sight into the toilet" phase. For those of you who haven't heard the story yet - he threw our friend's cell phone into the toilet, as well as a tupperware container full of cream cheese icing. He's also very fond of throwing toys in the toilet and splashing his hands around in toilet water. Luckily he hasn't yet hit the "flushing the toilet" stage....

- He's now points at objects and names them. Car! Light! Cat! Dog! Box!

- Barnyard Dance is still his favourite book, but his reading list has diversified slightly. Thank God!!!!

- I think he must take after me -- he loves shoe shopping! He is now the very proud owner of some swanky new shoes and boots. Clomp, Clomp, Clomp!!!

- We had a great visit with Amma a couple of weeks ago. While she was here, it was go, go, go to the splash pool, art gallery, hiking trail, restaurants etc...Amma was very impressed with his fork handling skills. While eating at a restaurant he reached across the table, stabbed a piece of lettuce off of Amma's plate, and gobbled it down :-)

That's it for now!

1 comment:

Missy said...

He's such a cutie pie! Thank you for sharing your life!