Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bragged too soon

Potty training is almost back to square one again....Or at least it feels like it.

Right as I was feeling sorry myself about it, my new book arrived in the mail. It's called "The No-cry Potty Training Solution." There are a few ideas in it that we're going to try. For one, we are going to stop asking him if he wants to use the potty. Instead we'll say, "Let's go to the potty." We're also going to get really strict with potty times when he gets up, before we leave the house, when we get home, before bed. As I'm reading the book I'm realizing that part of the problem is our lack on consistency.

One of his big issues is doing poops on the toilet. From now on, even if he's doing them in his diaper, he is going to be sent into the bathroom to do his business. And the clean up will also take place in the bathroom.

There are also some helpful suggestion on handling issues about using toilets in public or at daycare. We'll try them all and see if anything works.

The author says that complete daytime potty training normally takes between 3 and 12 months from start to finish. So we're just going to have to look at this as a long-term project rather than something that can be accomplished in a few weeks.

On the upside, according to this book, 98% of kids are potty trained by the time they are 4 years old.

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