Tuesday, January 13, 2009

These are a few of my favourite things

- Mornings in the kitchen. While I'm making lunches, the little guy sits on the step of our kitchen footstool eating his cereal. He's such great company!

- Choosing earrings. I have an extensive collection of earrings crammed into a very small, messy jewelry box. The little guy thinks it is a treasure chest. Often I let him "carefully" rifle through it to choose a pair for me to wear. After much rifling and much commentary about what he's discovered in the box, he always chooses the same pair - they are long and ornate with green gemstones. I used to never wear those particular ones because I thought they were too fancy. But now I wear them all the time and I get tons of compliments!

- How he always manages to tumble into our bed in the middle of the night and snuggles in right next to me.

- The excitement on his face every single night when his candy cane light comes on (it's solar powered). He always runs to the window to check on it and then yells, "Mom look! The candy can light is on" as if it were the most exciting thing ever.

- Getting artwork. Lots and lots of artwork.

-My new nickname, "Mommy turtle."

- The rubber boots he gave me for Christmas so that we could play in the puddles together.

- When he says, "Oh yes, I think that's a wonderful idea" or "Thank you very much," or "Well....no." It's not the words per se, but the way he says them.

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