Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year!

We rang in the New Year quietly this year with a meal of traditional chinese New Year lettuce wraps for dinner, followed by an evening out to see James Bond in the theatre. We were home at 11:00 p.m. and asleep well before midnight (are we losers or what?).

Amma flew home yesterday after a week-long visit. I miss her already! Not only did hubby and I go on three real dates (including to our favourite restaurant) while she was here, every time we came home the house had been tidied and the kitchen cleaned. She helped with the cooking and the shopping. And, after a particularly rough night with baby boy that included a full pajama and sheet change, she sent me up for a long afternoon nap while she kept the little guy entertained.

Whenever she comes to visit it reinforces how important it is to get out once in awhile. My New Year's resolution is to hire a babysitter every couple of weeks so that hubby and I can have a date night.


A few highlights of our holidays thus far:
- On Christmas night we took turns making toasts. When someone asked the little guy what he would like to toast he said he wanted to toast "to all of the drinks." Who wouldn't drink to that!

-Since becoming parents we've started new Christmas traditions. The big one being that we do not travel at this busy time of year. The airports are too busy, the roads are too icy and the stress too great. For the second year in a row, Amma spent Christmas with us -- a new tradition that the little guy will come to cherish, I'm sure.

We now put up a tree each year, to his delight. And this year, for the first time, we introduced a stocking (which Santa filled with five or six small gifts). Under the tree there was one big gift from Santa - a giant garbage truck with all the bells and whistles (including recycling!). There were also a couple of smaller presents, mostly books and puzzles. And of course he received lots of toys from members of our extended family. Although I was really tempted to go overboard with toy buying this year, I am really glad I restrained myself. He loved everything he received and Christmas was just the right size.

- The little guy and daddy built the coolest rocket ship ever out of a wrapping paper tube (photo to come). It has fire coming out the end, racing stripes, and astronauts seated inside. He's played with that rocket ship more than any of him Christmas presents combined. Priceless!

As an aside:
When we asked him what he wanted to do the other day he said he wanted to see rockets. So we took him to the museum where they have a huge outer space travel display, including a little rocket ship you can climb and play in. He was in heaven!

- The underwear is slowly but surely replacing the diaper, although we have had our fair share of setbacks. Sometimes we can get him to do number 2 on the toilet but other times he is so overcome with anxiety that we have to give him a diaper. I'm not sure what the best strategy is, other than to keep up the positive reinforcement. I don't want to push him too hard because I know that can backfire leaving us at square one again. Any suggestions?????

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