Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's a telling sign

I obviously don't clean our house very often because every time I take out the vacuum, you know who asks "Mom, who's coming over?"

One of the main reasons I like to entertain once in awhile is that it forces me to clean. There's nothing like expecting dinner guests to get the adrenaline going!

Why did I ever cancel the cleaning service????


Last night the little guy stayed up way too late watching movies. Hubby brought a projector home from work so he could turn our living room into a theatre. It was a part of his special "guy" night while I went out for a "girl" night (which I desperately needed!). When I got home at 10:15 the little guy, to my surprise, was still awake watching Winnie the Pooh on the new couch (see last night's blog post and you'll get an idea of how well hubby's night went...). I wasn't overly thrilled to find him awake but I figured it probably wouldn't kill him. After all, it was the weekend. And it was their special "theatre" night.

Even though he slept in this morning, he's been a total lunatic today from lack of sleep. And let me just tell you how much being a total lunatic and gymnastics don't mix. If you read my story about last weekend's class and multiply the insanity by ten, you'll be getting close to how bad things were this morning. So bad, in fact, that his teacher almost didn't give him a sticker at the end of class. From across the room we heard her say something to the effect of, "I'll give you a sticker this time but next week you need to do a better job listening. If you don't listen you won't get a sticker."

We too had a chat with him and told him that he'd have to sit out next week if history repeated itself. Afterwards he apologized to his teacher, and told her that he would listen from now on. You could tell from the look on his face that he really did feel remorseful.

I'm optimistic that with a good night's sleep the next class will be much better (or at least slightly better :-).

Stay tuned....

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