Saturday, March 01, 2008

The terrible 2s set in

It's going to be a long ride.

When baby boy turned 2 I thought he was impervious to the terrible twos. "Not our baby boy," I told people. "He's so good natured and easy going."

Sure he's had his moments. But on the whole he's always had a positive, carefree nature.

Well, something changed when we were on vacation last week. All of a sudden he's become bossy, demanding, whiney, and negative. When we're in public he runs away and hides. When we stop him, he screams and freaks out, creating embarrassing scenes. I'm pretty sure that if we bumped into Super Nanny she'd follow us home with a camera crew.

Normally he is a near perfect angel at restaurants. People from other tables often compliment us on how well behaved he is. Last night that changed. Our meal out was a disaster. He whined and yelled, bossed and demanded. We ate quickly and got out in record time. Not only did he ruin our meals, I'm quite sure he ruined a few others. I'm crossing my fingers that this was only an isolated incident.

At the airport last week he poured water all over my computer's keyboard (didn't work for a day afterwards). Yesterday he smacked it with a hockey stick.

And the spitting. Oh how I hate the spitting! He had just got over the sticking out his tongue, spit phase and now it's back again. When we were on vacation, one too many people in Texas thought it was cute the first time he did it. He's now convinced that he's Mr. Funnyman. I'm not sure how many weeks (and eyeglass cleanings) it's going to take to rid him of that habit again...

What happened to my gentle sweetheart? Is it something we did in Texas (i.e. letting him stay up late and eat fries?) Is it something he's going to snap out of soon, or is this just the inevitable stage everyone has been warning me about?

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