Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Don't catching me!

If I so much as move in his direction, baby boy now says, "Don't catching me, mom!"


He eats all fruits and vegetables as though they are orange wedges, carefully avoiding any skin. Even if I peel the skin off of an apple wedge, he still won't eat down to the bottom.


His favourite vegetable right now is "cubabare" (cucumber).

I've just added kiwi to the menu, now that his not so pleasant allergic reactions to fruit have subsided. He gobbled down his first kiwi and then proclaimed enthusiatically, "I love it, mom!"


Blowing out candles is not just for birthdays anymore. At my cousin's wedding, baby boy blew out the candles on every single table. And, once they were re-lit, he went around and blew them all out again. At restaurants, he doesn't understand why we ask him to leave the candles on.

I had this great idea that we could use blowing out candles as a reward for good behaviour. To some extend it has worked, but not with potty training. Surprise, surprise. Back to the drawing board on that one!


Top 10 things that are hip and cool to a 2-year old:

10. Pockets. Baby boy has taken to shoving coins and credit cards into his pockets. Very cute but rather annoying on laundry day.

9. Going to school. He drags a knapsack around the house and says, "I going to school now mom." He hasn't got the foggiest idea what school is, but he sure knows that it's where he'd like to go.

8. Wearing sunglasses (now he's on to something!)

7. Sticking out tongue and spitting (not so cool to use older folks)

6. Wearing clothes with pictures of animals or vehicles on them (in his opinion, it is better to wear no clothes at all than to wear something plain)

5. Hiking up socks to the knees (we might have to have a talk about that one!)

4. People who operate cars, heavy machinery, emergency vehicles and power tools. I should add that he thinks I'm cool when I operate the vacuum or the washing machine.

3. The entire cast of Hi-5, Thomas the Tank Engine and Whinnie the Pooh.

2. Anything that the other kids are playing with at this moment.

1. Drawing with a real pen, rather than crayons or markers. Evidently, crayons and markers are for babies and not big kids like him.

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