Saturday, March 15, 2008

Baby Boy vs The Easter Bunny

It's almost Easter so I thought I'd take the opportunity to write about some similarities I've noted between Baby Boy and the Easter bunny.

1. The Easter bunny's diet is largely composed of vegetables, fruit and pellets. Baby Boy's diet consists mostly of vegetables, fruit and shreddies which are essecially the human form of pellets.

2. The Easter bunny is very interested in eggs. So is baby boy. He loves eating them, helping to cook them, talking about them, peeling them, playing with the cartons etc...If I hid hardboiled eggs around the house next weekend he'd probably think he was in heaven!

3. The Easter bunny likes to hide things. Again, so does baby boy (my keys and phone for example).

4. The Easter bunny is cute and cuddly just like Baby Boy.

6. Hopping is the Easter bunny's preferred method of getting around. Same with Baby Boy. What a coincidence!

5. The Easter bunny leaves little droppings here and there. This morning I found a little puddle in our bed. Where did that come from? Must have been the Easter bunny, I guess :-)

Happy almost Easter everybody!

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