Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Speaking of school

Do you think he looks ready? Here he is wearing mismatched pjs, rubber boots and a gigantic backpack filled with miscellaneous household objects he figures he'll need to bring to school (like daddy's 2 foot long level). Pretending to go to school is one of his favourite games. He often jams my backpack full of "lunch" items. Basically anything that isn't strapped down in the kitchen goes into his lunch. The other day I found two lemons, a package of cherry tomatoes, 3 kiwis, 2 pears (both with bites in them), a can of chickpeas and a full loaf of raising bread in his lunch bag. When he's all loaded up he cries, "I'm going to school! Bye" and heads for the front door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah. cute. the eagerness.
