Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I corrupted a seeing eye dog

but not intentionally! I was at the gym today at lunch pumping a little iron. Virtually every time I'm there I end up working out right next to a blind man and his giant, happy, friendly Saint Bernard. I enjoy watching the dog while I'm doing cardio to help pass the time. I've often noted that, while he's very good at him job, the dog does have a bit of a mischievous streak. Often, he gets restless and starts looking for attention by wagging his tail at passersby. And sometimes he lets out a loud bark when something interesting catches his eye. He is a dog, after all.

Today, while I was doing my leg press exercise I could see the dog watching me from the foot of the machine. When I caught his eye I couldn't help but smile. Well, that was all the encouragement he needed. He ran around the side of the machine, gave me a lick on the face, a quick snuffle, and then quickly ran back to the spot he was supposed to be sitting. His owner was none the wiser. When I started my second rep, he did it again! And then again on my third rep! Out of respect for his owner I didn't pat the dog or talk to him or anything. Although I admit that I may have smiled at him a few times and shot him some admiring glances.... But even if I hadn't, he obviously sensed that I was a sucker for dogs.

After I moved on to some more distant machines I watched the dog do the same thing to someone else! I guess all work and no play makes him a dull boy.

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