Monday, February 04, 2008

Straight from the horse's mouth

* "What's that in your nose, Daddy? Is that pooh pooh in-yare (in there)?"

* "We lost it!" (referring to the shadow that mysteriously vanished from the wall)

* "I want boots off. I want skating!" He yelled this for 20 minutes straight when we took him down to the canal to watch the skaters and the hockey players. Instead of enjoying the scene he was mad. Really really mad. To make matters worse, Daddy put on his skates. The injustice of it all!

This story does have a happy ending, however. We bought him some strap on toddler blades that we can attach to his boots. Now if only the weather would cool off so we can try them out.

* "Puddinyare" (put it in there)

* "Nissum" (this one)

* "Silly Daddy!"

* "Gotta get the wooses (worms) and the bees out" (that's what he says when we wipe his nose)

* "Mommy do that." Whenever he wants me to take something out of his hands, he says this. Usually its something gross that I don't actually want to touch. The other day, while I was half asleep in bed, he crawled up beside me and said excitedly, "Look what I found, mommy!" I put out my hand and he passed me a disgusting piece of crud he found somewhere. He was so proud of himself!

* "What kind is this?," "what kind is that?," or "what kind is that, that noise sounding?" When he handed me that crud the other day, he asked me "what kind is this?" I told him it was crud. So he went over to daddy, who was also half asleep and announced, "I found crud, Daddy!"

* "I want bowl of oranges, Mommy" has recently changed to "I want bowl of chocolate, Mommy."

* "Tigger says yuck!!! I don't want that!" And when baby boy doesn't want something he quotes his hero.

* What does Daddy say? "Raaaarrrrr!!!!" What does Mommy say? "Squeak squeak." Just once I'd like to get to be something more significant than a rodent!

* "Sam says diggidy diggidy diggidy" Luckily it doesn't come out sounding like Quagmire from Family Guy.

* "I don't feel well, Mommy. I have a stomach egg." There have been a lot of illnesses flying around his daycare lately. So far he's dodged the stomach flu (knock on wood). He does however have a really nasty cold. I keep on asking him how he's feeling, and he loves the attention. He makes himself look extra cute and pathetic and says, "I don't feel well, Mommy. I want Shreddies." I guess he believes in the old adage about feeding a cold...

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