Thursday, February 07, 2008

The dead of winter

One of my colleagues is in labour and giving a play by play on her blog This is way better than reality television!

If only I had something that interesting to blog about today. I'm kind of in a rut. A rut that I completely blame on this long, miserable winter. Nothing is as fun in the winter. After work, instead of going to the park to play and socialize with friends, we head straight for home. Every night feels like a repeat of the night before.

I am so sick of bulky jackets, layers of clothing, and big clunky boots. Picking baby boy up from daycare takes an eternity in the winter with all of the bundling up that goes on! Oh how I miss wearing t-shirts and sandals.

Meals suck in the winter too. The fruit is never as fresh and succulent. The BBQ is buried in a foot of snow. It's an endless rotation of the same meals over and over again. No more eggs, pasta and quesadillas please! I can't wait until we can eat all of our meals outside again -- on the patio or at the park.

I try to embrace winter, I truly do. And if it were half the length, I'd probably love it. But it's too long and the days are too short.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to check Dani's blog again to see if there is any baby news and then curl up in front of the fire and read my book.

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