Tuesday, June 01, 2010

National Lobster Day

On Saturday, the little guy found an awesome rubber lobster at a garage sale. He paid with it with his own money (25 cents) and it is now his most prized possession. He and the lobster are pretty much inseparable.

On Sunday morning he came bursting into our room and announced that it was Lobster Day. He was absolutely bubbling with excitement.

"What do you do on Lobster Day?" I asked.

"You celebrate lobsters," he said, while proudly holding up his red lobster.

"What sorts of things do you do to celebrate lobsters?"

"Well," he said, thinking for a moment. "You sing lobster songs and you get to eat ice cream after dinner. In a regular cone, not a sugar cone."

"Do we get to eat lobsters on Lobster Day?" I asked.

"No, just ice cream after dinner. And you can bake cookies too."

All good ideas!

Later that morning, when he was being a bit of a troublemaker, I told him that when little boys acted that way that Lobster Day got cancelled. I immediately felt guilty for saying this.

"You can't cancel Lobster Day, Mom!" he blubbered. The very thought that it might get cancelled almost brought him to tears.

So after promising to be a good boy I reassured him that Lobster Day would not be cancelled. And we all dressed in red to mark the occasion.

I think they should make it a national holiday, don't you?

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