Saturday, June 26, 2010


I try not to indulge my son too much with sugary treats. However, from time to time, I do let his have 4 or 5 chocolate covered almonds from the organic store down the street.

Today he asked if he could have 4 chocolate almonds. I said okay and helped scoop them from the bulk bin into a little bag. I accidentally scooped out 5 instead of 4.

"Oh, I guess you get a bonus one," I told him.

"Can you put that one back?" he asked.

"I have an idea," I said. "You could give the bonus one to me."

He agreed but seemed strangely reluctant to buy the extra treat. As we were leaving the store, he pulled one of the chocolate almonds out of the bag and held it up.

"Mom, is this the boneless one?"


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