Sunday, June 27, 2010


I've always been astounded at the little guy's long-term memory. He remembers places we visited only once when he was only a year old!

But lately, I've noticed that he only needs to watch a movie once to remember intricate details from each scene as well as most of the dialogue, word for word. He's like this with music lyrics too. Someone taught him the Waving Flag song last week and he memorized it instantly. In fact, his teacher told me that he put up his hand and asked to sing the song to the class. That was the day after he heard the song for the first time! My little shy guy was brave enough to sing a song to his class? And he remembered all of the words?


Hubby thinks he has a photographic memory. And I'm beginning to suspect he does too. Either that or his brain is a very big sponge.

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