Sunday, January 24, 2010


It never fails. Every single time I talk about what's coming up tomorrow, the little guy says, "That's the day after today" or "Do you mean the day after today?"

It cracks me up.


He's been begging us for a Spiderman lunch box for months. All of the kids at school have lunch boxes so he feels really left out. We told him that he would have to earn one by practicing his French words. At first he protested loudly (he has an aversion to all things French for some reason) but then he realized that we weren't going to cave in.

This week he started enthusiastically using all sorts of French words, much to our delight! While he was taking ski lessons today I happened to wander into a store that had the perfect Spiderman lunch box. As a reward for his French speaking accomplishments and for his skiing bravery this weekend, I decided to get him one as a surprise. At first he was thrilled! Overjoyed, actually. But after spending some time examining the lunch box in the car on the way home, his tone seemed to change a bit.

From the back seat he said, "Mom, Spiderman has angry white eyes..."

I tried to explain that Spiderman was a good guy and that he was just wearing a mask. Underneath he is just a person, I told him.

"No Mom," he replied. "His eyes are really angry and white."

It's funny he should say that because I was more than a little freaked out by Spiderman when I was a kid too. I vividly remember being scared to go down the basement because I thought that Spiderman lived under the stares and would pop out and start chasing me. There is something very creepy about that mask....

Hopefully those angry looking eyes won't stop him from bringing his lunch box to school!

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