Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wow, it has been ages since I've updated my blog. I'm in a real slump right now. Which sucks, because virtually every day the little guy says or does something that is blog-worthy. My resolution is to update my blog more regularly (even if they are only short entries). I think that by writing more often I'll eventually get my groove back. So to ring in the New Year, I thought I'd start with remembering some of the highlights of late 2009, from about the time that I stopped updating my blog.

- He got his first report card for JK. The teacher thinks he is doing very well despite our concerns about him being one of the youngest in the class. The only "Needs Improvements" he got were in asking other kids to play (something he's never had to do before) and painting. Yes, that's right, painting. Since September the teacher has been encouraging him to paint but he refuses. Last year, we ran into this at nursery school too. We'd tell him it was time to go and he'd say, "Okay, but I'm not going to paint."

Miraculously, a couple of weeks after he got his report card the little guy turned over a new leaf. Suddenly he wants to paint all the time!

The teacher says he's made amazing progress at putting on shoes, jackets etc....At the beginning of the school year he struggled and was always one of the last ones to be ready and out the door. Now, he's usually first and proud of it!

The teacher observed something we've always known: that he's extremely cautious. Instead of just going with the flow, he likes to hang back and observe. He'll only try something new once he feels confident and comfortable. In gym class the teacher tries to match him up with a buddy to get him trying things, which is working really well. Also, he's starting raising his hand to answer or ask questions in class, to his teacher's (and our) delight.

- The little guy still can't keep a secret. At the giant garage sale at his school (all new, donated items) the kids all got to purchase Christmas gifts for their parents for 50 cents a piece. What a great idea! When the little guy got home he announced, "I got you a candle mom! I got daddy a candle too!"

- In the last few weeks he's become a budding artist. Instead of scribbling, he's drawing snowmen, treasure maps, fire trucks, forests, roads etc... Some of his artwork is really good for a 4 year old. I think he may be taking after his dad in that department because he certainly doesn't get it from me!

- Last year he hated snow. This year he loves it. The other day he told me he wished it was winter all the time. I hope his wish doesn't come true.

That's it for now. I'll give you a Christmas update soon!

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