Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A room of his own

The little guy has officially moved out of our bedroom! Yay!

For the last couple of years he's been sleeping in a "big boy bed," pushed up against our bed. We really never intended for him to bunk with us for this long but we really dragged our feet when it came to renovating his bedroom. Up until recently, his room was a dumping ground due to the fact that our condo has no basement and completely inadequate storage space.

After much de-cluttering, bookshelf and drawer building and general organizing we finally finished his room a few months ago. We told him that when he was ready he could move into his room. His response to this idea was lukewarm at best.

In order to make him feel more at home with the space, we moved all of his toys into his bedroom. Admittedly I had more selfish motives for moving the toys up there (like reclaiming our living room!). For a long time the room became more of a play room than a bedroom. I was beginning to think that he was never going to move out when a few weeks ago, out of the blue, he said, "Mom, I want to move my bed into my room."

The words were barely out of his mouth before hubby and I had hauled the bed down the hall. (We also did a little happy dance and some high fives when he wasn't looking).

The little guy was thrilled with the new set up!...errr....at least until bed time arrived. I guess he hadn't thought about the fact that he would be sleeping all alone in the dark.

"Mom, put my bed back!" he begged.

No way, I thought.

I told him that if he was really scared he could sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor next to our bed. So he did.

Since then we've been letting him fall asleep on our bed and then carrying him to his own bed. Usually he sleeps through the night no problem. Occasionally he wanders down the hall in the middle of the night to join us. But hey, it's progress! Our next step is to establish a bedtime routine in his own room. Wish us luck!

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