Monday, January 04, 2010

The little guy's worst fear

Monsters under the bed? Waking up to find all of the toys gone? Going to the doctor and the dentist the same day? No. The thing that the little guy fears the most in this world is missing the school bus. The very idea makes him get all panicky. We've never actually missed the bus, but we've had a couple of really close calls. Both times he was so relieved the driver waited for us. I'm not sure what he thinks will happen to him if the bus left without him but, whatever it is, it can't be good.

I'm using this fear to my advantage. I've discovered that uttering the words "hurry up or your going to miss the bus" helps to get him moving in the morning. If he won't sit down to eat his cereal I utter these words, and he literally leaps towards his bowl and says, "I won't miss it now?"

The same strategy works for getting him dressed and out the door.

For the record, if he did miss the bus, hubby would drive him to school.

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