Saturday, March 14, 2009

I wish I had taken a photograph

I'll probably laugh about this some day. But it really wasn't very funny at the time. Tonight, just minutes before our babysitter was set to arrive, I noticed that it was strangely quiet in the bedroom. Never a good sign.

When I went in to check on the little guy, he was sitting on the floor with an open can of zinc diaper rash cream. He was dunking his hands into the thick, white ointment and then rubbing his palms together. When I went over to apprehend the cream in my nice dinner outfit that I had just ironed, he reached over and smeared a perfect white hand print across my shoulder.

My initial reaction was to throw him into the bathtub, clothes and all.

"My socks! My socks!" he yelled and cried. At that exact moment, his wet socks were the least of my concerns.

I ran his hands through the water which made the mess even worse. Zinc ointment, I discovered, is water resistant. As well as being water resistant it also spreads and multiplies every time it is touched. There was white cream all over my clothes, his clothes, my hands, the shower curtain and everything in between.

Next I tried using wet wipes, with better success. After much vigorous scrubbing, we were back to our normal flesh tone. Now lets just hope that zinc cream comes out of fabric!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, you can laugh at it now eh. i recall my little brother doing the same kinda thing but it was with vaseline and then after covering himself with it, he douced himself in baby powder. nice....