Monday, December 13, 2010

A letter to Santa

The little guy is too terrified to sit on Santa's lap. Instead, he just gazes down at him at him from the upper level of the mall. I think that's probably about as close as we're going to get.

"How is Santa going to know what you want for Christmas," I asked the other day.

"I'll write him a letter," he said.

So that's just what we did. Here is the little guy's letter to Santa (composed with a little help from Mom and Dad).


Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I want the cow trailer that has a momma cow, and the trailer is red, for Christmas. I like cows.

I love you Santa, and the way you say "Ho Ho Ho!"

You will get a cookie and milk here, and a carrot for your reindeers.

The Little Guy

P.S. The trailer has a door that opens and closes. And it's red. It has a handle.


The part at the end was added later because he wanted to make sure that Santa had an exact description of the toy.

For several weeks he had been telling us that he wanted Playmobile and Thomas trains from Santa. But when we took him to a toy store this weekend so he could point out the Playmobiles he liked the best, he saw the trailer with the cow. It was love at first sight. Now, none of the other toys matter because this is "the one". I have to say that it is pretty cool. Take a look.

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