Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yes, I'm still alive

I bet you thought I had given up on my blog. I'd like to reassure you that I haven't. It has just been a rough couple of months. Forgive me for not elaborating but it's deeply personal.

The last couple of months haven't been all bad, though. We had a wonderful visit from Amma at Christmas followed by a family holiday in Seattle and Whistler. While in Whistler I did something I never thought I'd be brave enough to do -- I went ziplining. Over treetops, jagged rocks and an icy creek. My god it was fun! And terrifying. The little guy was in ski lessons while I was out hanging from that very thin line. When he heard what I had done he said, "Mom, can I go ziplocking too?" Too cute.

The ski lessons in Whistler have paid off in a big way. The little guy has become an amazing skier and totally fearless. He likes to say, "Mom, I have skills now." And he really does! On Sundays he takes ski lessons. Since returning from Whistler they've bumped him up multiple levels because he's heads and tails above the other kids. As a result he is feeling really good about himself and his abilities. Hubby is thrilled, of course. Skiing is his favourite thing to do in the world and now he has someone to share his passion with. I like skiing too but I'm far to timid to be a good ski companion.

In other news, the little guy has his first loose tooth. It is now dangling by a thread and he likes to jiggle it with his finger. This totally creeps me out. Makes me shiver just thinking about it. It won't be long until the tooth fairy makes her first appearance in our home. Frankly, I can't wait!

Speaking of our home, we are converting from baseboard electric to gas on Wednesday. The gas line has been installed, holes drilled etc... The switch is going to cost us a fortune, but will pay for itself very quickly. The cost of heating this place is out of this world!!! Plus, we are contemplating selling this place in the next year or two so it's a good investment. Just to give you an idea of how complicated it was to bring gas into the condo -- the line had to be run through our neighbour's basement, through another neighbour's storage room, through the sprinkler room, across the parking garage, and up though the ceiling of the garage to our balcony. Yah, it's going to cost us a fortune. Thank goodness March is a three pay month because our trip to Whistler is also going to be on this month's bill. Gulp. And did I mention that we may be buying a new car this month too....

That's it for now. I have lots more to share for another day. Don't worry -- you won't have to wait two months for my next update. I promise!

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