Monday, December 01, 2008

We've survived the terrible twos!

It's official. Baby boy is three years old! To mark his big day we had his first ever birthday party with friends yesterday. We kept the event nice and small -- just a few kids, some pizza and cake. There were no organized games or loot bags. The idea was to just let the kids run around and play.

In the morning, baby boy was absolutely beside himself with excitement. When the first guests arrived at the door he was actually shaking in anticipation. And of course they all came in the door carrying gifts! And there were not one, but TWO cakes in the kitchen including a chocolate one with rainbow sprinkles on it! Oh, and there were candles on the cakes! Plus his brand new backhoe that daddy gave him was sitting on the coffee table waiting to be shown off! (am I doing a good job of capturing the excitement that was in the air?)

Other than a few turf wars over toys and a broken juice glass, the party was a smashing success (a noisy, exhausting success). Afterwards we all slept for two hours.

In the evening we went to KM and KSH's house for dinner and helped decorate their Christmas tree. Baby boy was in heaven because he got to hang all of the non-breakable ornaments on the tree. I wish I had taken a picture. It was so cute! All of the bottom branches that he could reach are three layers deep in decorations. He was so pleased with himself and his decorating job!

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