Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Unfortunately our holiday season is off to a rough start. The little guy had a cold that started off harmlessly enough, but then turned rather ugly. For the past two days he's had a low-grade fever and has been pretty lethargic. This morning I noticed blood in his ear and immediately suspected an ear infection.

We took him to the urgent care walk-in first thing this morning and to our surprise there was barely anyone in the waiting room. Then, the triage nurse took one look at his grayish complexion and let us cut right to the front of the line (thank you!). It turns out the little guy has a ruptured eardrum. We were amazed that he didn't tell us his ear was sore because it is very painful right before it ruptures (sorry if I'm making anyone queasy). He did tell us a few times that his head was sore but he was pointing at his forehead. The doctor said that this is very common with toddlers because they have a difficult time explaining what kind of pain they are experiencing. The little guy is now on some heavy duty antibiotics for the next ten days and the doctor says that he should start feeling much better soon (hopefully in time for Christmas morning???).

Our plan was to have a quiet roast beef dinner tonight to celebrate Christmas Eve. But we've decided that we are going to postpone it until Boxing Day. Amma arrives at 11:00 tonight, so we thought it would be nice to include her in the feast. Also, given the little guy's medical condition, what we really need is a hassle free night. We'll save our strength for tomorrow's festivities. After we open gifts, we are going to make a nice brunch. And then, in the evening, we are going to KM and KSH's house for dinner.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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