Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Snow day!

Today we had so much snow that I had no choice but to pick up the little guy in the toboggan. He loved it! I did not. My arms are still burning from pulling him up those steep hills. Tomorrow there is supposed to be another huge mess of snow, so I guess I'll be getting my exercise!

When the weather started getting colder in the last week, we started insisting that the little guy wear his snowsuit. He didn't like this idea on bit until daddy told him it was like an astronaut suit. Apparently being an astronaut is cool! Every time he puts it on he brags that his astronaut suit is blue and that other astronauts get to wear white. Hey, whatever works!


What is it with all of the illnesses? I just got over three nasty colds in a row, with maybe two days of respite in between. Frankly it's embarrassing. Everyone at work must think I'm really sickly (I guess I am sickly now that I have a toddler in nursery school).

Just when I thought the worst was over, I got a stomach bug. It's not serious enough for me to stay home from work, but bad enough to make me feel like crap pretty much all day.

Oh the joys of winter!


Some quick highlights:
- The little guy is really getting into 30 piece puzzles. He's able to put them together all by himself with little or no guidance.
- We got him some new skates and a helmet on the weekend. Can't wait to try them out!
- I accidentally let him fall asleep watching teletoon about a week ago. Ever since, he begs me every night to watch the "bunny show" (Bugs Bunny)
- He's become quite the chef. Our pots and pans are always full of apples, oranges, lemons and other assorted fruit that he nabs from the fruit basket.
- We bought some sprinkles to make "rainbow" pancakes a few weeks ago. Now he thinks that sprinkles should go on everything, including his morning oatmeal. I think I should start pouring them on the foods we can't get him to eat. It might just work!

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