Wednesday, December 27, 2006

We survived another Christmas!

Other than blowing the budget, we got through Christmas unscathed. We actually had a pretty relaxing time.

On Christmas eve day we went for a nice drive in the country. We stopped in a cute little town, went for a walk, and ducked into a tearoom for lunch. For dinner we prepared a beautiful prime rib roast dinner, which we paired nicely with a fine bottle of red wine. Once baby was asleep, we sat in front of the fire while sipping hot beverages. It was magnificent!

Christmas morning was a lot of fun. Baby boy was in his glory ripping at the wrapping paper, and rummaging through boxes. He was just as interested in our gifts as he was his own. When Daddy opened up a package containing a wooden spoon, he could barely contain his excitement! It was almost as cool as the banged up old cooking pot that he has taken to carrying with him wherever he goes.

We had Christmas dinner with our second family. Not blood relatives, but close friends who always take us in for the holidays. Baby boy loves going there as much as we do. Not only is it an opportunity to visit with his best buddy who is two months older than him, he is showered with attention by all of the aunts, uncles, young nieces, grandma and grandpa etc... He feels right at home at these family gatherings, and so do we.

My hubby likes to tell people that we did the "Christmas dodge" this year. No game of tug-o-war between my mom and the inlaws. No hauling eveything and the kitchen sink across the country. No racing around. And, best of all, no "guilt." I deflected it really well this year determined not to let it consume me. Now that baby boy is in the picture, it's time for us to start new traditions, here at home.

Merry (belated) Christmas everyone!

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