Thursday, December 14, 2006

Oh the funny things you do

Life has been pretty stressful around here lately. Thankfully, I get a bit of comic relief in the form of a 1-year old. Over the last few days he's done so many hilarious things that I need to share with everyone.

Right now he's going through a phase where he constantly wants to mimic everything the mom and dad do. He is particularly interested in the broom and dustpan, and all of the excitement around sweeping the floor ( long until he outgrows that, I wonder?). Wherever he goes, he liked to drag along our old metal duspan. If we accidentally leave the baby gate open, he sees it as an opportunity to sneak the dustpan up the stairs. A couple of days ago, he was watching dad load the dishwasher (another fascination of his!). Being the helpful little guy he is, he walked over and loaded the duspan into the dishwasher, just like a plate.

He's also quite into rooting through cupboards these days in search of treasure. This morning he struck gold. You guessed it -- he found my breast pump! And when you find something that good, it's hard to let it go. Which is why he insisted on bringing it with him to breakfast, and then proceeded to fill the suction full of cheerios.

What else??

Now that he's got the hang of walking, he's given up crawling completely. Not only does this make him feel more independent, it also frees up both of his hands to haul things. He almost always carries around a can, or some other packaged food item in one hand, and a CD case in the other. Or somtimes he just carries around his toy bucket. When I cook dinner he wanders in and out of the kitchen to show me all of the objects he's collected. By the time he goes to bed, the kitchen is littered with the strangest array objects.

Walking has also made it much easier to greet people at the door. When the UPS guy showed up at the door this afternoon, the little guy toddled over to greet him and then promptly slammed the door on his face. I just about died of laughter!

And finally....a story that is funny after the fact, but wasn't so funny when it happened. This morning I was letting his rear end air out (diaper rash is back). It's a dangerous business, leaving a 1-year old to roam without a diaper. Without giving you all the gory details, let's just say that I was up to my ears in sh#t this morning!!! And....right after I finished cleaning up that fun mess, the little guy managed to grab my travel coffee mug off the dining room table. I was in the kitchen making a snack when I heard this strangebanging noise. When I went to inspect, I found him sitting in a huge puddle of cold coffee, happily banging my mug against the floor. He looked as though he had swam through it -- he was that wet!!! He'd also done some great coffee finger painting on the walls.

Is there no end to the funny things you do?

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