Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What I didn't know a year ago

I think it's fair to say my life is a heck of a lot different than it was a year ago. No matter how ready you are for parenthood, nothing can really prepare you for what is in store. For example, a year ago I didn't know:

- my song repetoire would consist of: the itsy, bitsy spider, if you're happy and you know it, and sticky, sticky bubblegum.

- that I'd become one of those mothers who checks for "stinkies" by picking baby up and taking a sniff. I used to tell people I'd never do that!!!

- how much time it takes to get out the door, or how much "stuff" you have to haul with you.

- how quickly babies move from one stage to the next. Just as you gain confidence in your parenting abilities, a new challenge presents itself.

- that my love for him would grow deeper and deeper every day.

- that pjs and outfits with snaps -- no matter how cute -- are evil! Try doing up snaps at 4 am and you'll realize why.

- the importance of getting a "full" night's sleep.

- that half of the stuff I bought in preparation for baby would end up being completely useless.

- how much laundry a little tiny person can actually generate. It's astounding!

- that a drool fountain would turn on and never stop.

- how overpowering a babies suckling reflex is.

- how many complete strangers would give me unsolicited advice.

- what a big job babyproofing would end up being.

There is so much more I could write, but you get the point. And I'm sure there are lots of things to come that I don't know about too....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So young and so wise...