Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Looking into my crystal ball

Like all new parents, I like to fantasize about the little guy's future. Will he be a fireman? An engineer? Will he discover the cure for cancer? At his age, anything seems possible!

Here are a few predictions for his future, based on his activities of today.

- He likes to sleep late. So...he'll likely be attracted to careers that allow for flex hours.

- Out of all the objects in our home, he is most attracted to Daddy's shoes. Does this mean he will "follow" in Daddy's footsteps some day? Okay, maybe I'm reading a little too much into that...

- He loves to swing, and hang upside down. I hope that doesn't mean he's going to run away to join the circus, or become a professional monkey....

- He's discovered that people will give him lots of attention if he makes a fake coughing noise. I bet if he cleared his throat in the boardroom, he'd have everyone's undivided attention. Could this be the making of a top CEO?

- He'll only eat out of a big person bowl with a big fork or spoon. With such "sophisticated" tastes, he's sure to be into fine dining some day. If only we could do something about his table manners (spitting, throwing, smearing food in hair etc...).

- If we'd let him, he's probably live in the bathtub. Maybe this is a sign that he'll be a professional swimmer some day!

- Dogs, cats, squirrels...you name it, he thinks they're pretty neat! A veternarian perhaps?

- If there is a Cheerio hiding anywhere, he is sure to find it. Possible careers: Detective, treasure hunter, archaeologist.

- He's definitely the biggest ham you've ever met. Aim a camera at him, and he strikes a pose. Do I detect an interest in modelling, or acting perhaps? Could he be the next Tom Cruise (minus the craziness of course....)?

- Like most little boys (and men for that matter...) he has a natural attraction to tools, cars and other types of vehicles. I'm betting he'll be an enthusiest for life!

- His "output" seems to be greater than his "input" if you know what I mean... No doubt that is a sign of good productivity!

- And finally, he's a good snuggler. I hope that means that means lots of hugs for me in the future!

Only time will tell!

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