Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Day 12: the puree strike

He's on strike. It's the little guy versus anything blended, mushy, or otherwise deemed "baby food." So much for all of the pureed meals that line the freezer....

The baby books tell you not to force feed your baby. So, like a good mom, I don't push food down his throat when he clamps his mouth shut and turns his head away in disgust. Those same books tell you to feed your baby a balanced diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and protein. How can you possibly do that when your child only wants to eat Cheerios and blueberries?

I pour over the shelves at the supermarket looking for "finger foods" that might tempt his appetite. Avacado, edamame, tofu burgers, hummus, raisin bread, dates, rice cakes, cottage cheese, pears, watermelon... He likes the rice cakes and tolerates the fruit, but won't look twice at anything else. Arggghhhh!!!

I leave snacks on the coffee table, in his stroller, and on the floor next to his toys. Sometimes he eats them, sometimes he doesn't. I also let him graze off of my plate because he seems to prefer "mommy's" meals over his own. Even though he still breastfeeds regularly, I'm obsessed with making sure he's eating enough.

Tonight my hubby and I tried a new strategy. We put him in his high chair but didn't put any food on his tray. We proceeded to serve ourselves dinner while he watched from across the table. Immediately, he expressed an interest in what we were eating. So, we gave him bites of chicken, rice, vegetables, and cheese. Although he didn't eat a lot, he seemed to enjoy the dining experience.

I think we might be heading in the right direction. I sure hope so, because this strike has gone on long enough. I'm ready to negotiate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you can always eat those frozen pureed foods yourselves! Or, there's always the compost pile if you just cannot bear the sight of another wee container of mashed parsnips.