Friday, September 01, 2006

And now there are eight…

I was sad when Pluto lost its planetary status earlier this week. I had been rooting for the little guy. But I guess size really does matter in our big old solar system. It was pointed out over and over again in the media how tiny Pluto is – only one-fifth of the size of Earth. Which is one of the reasons why the International Astronomical Union demoted to the lesser category of “dwarf planet”. Is it just me, or does the word dwarf sound kind of demeaning? Talk about making Pluto stand out as a have-not planet. Couldn’t they have called it a “big at heart” or an “honourary” planet? Something a little more respectable? After all, Pluto has been a beloved member of the planetary family since 1930.

Just think about how this news is going to turn science classrooms upside down. Text books will need updating, children will have to be reconditioned to name only eight planets, teachers will have to create lessons on dwarf planets….It’s going to be messy for a while.

When I was a kid, I had two verses that I used as memory aids for the nine planets. I guess these will have to be updated too!

Verse 1: Mary Very Easily Made Jam Sitting Under Nanny’s Porch
Proposed adaptation: Mary Very Easily Made Jam Sitting Under Nanny (no, that’s too weird).

How about: Mary Very Easily Manufactured Jumbo Sized Underwear

Verse 2: Mary’s Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets
Proposed adaptation: Mary’s Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nucleuses

If you have any ideas for tricks to remember the eight planets, feel free to post your comments.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas!

Oh, here's a little planetary humour for you:

What do toilet paper and the U.S.S. Enterprise have in common?

(They both circle Uranus looking for Klingons.)
